
lbsntransform has a Command Line Interface (CLI) that can be used to convert many input formats to common lbsnstructure, including to its privacy-aware hll implementation.


Substitute bash linebreak character \ in examples below with ^ if you're on Windows command line

Basic examples

Key to mappings in lbsntransform is the origin id, which refers to the different mappings specified in modules input/mappings/*.py. For example, id 3 refers to Twitter (field_mapping_twitter.py).

If you've retrieved Twitter jsons from the offocial API, place those files somewhere in a subfolder .01_Input/ and run the following:

lbsntransform --origin 3 \
    --file_input \
    --file_type 'json' \
    --transferlimit 1000 \
    --csv_output \
    --mappings_path ./resources/mappings/

lbsntransform will then create a subfolder .02_Output/ and store converted data as CSV (specified with --csv_output flag).

  • --transferlimit 1000 means: skip transfer after 1000 lbsn records
  • --file_input: read from local files (and not from database). Default local input is subfolder ./01_Input/. This path can be modified with the flag --input_path_url my-input-path
  • --file_type 'json' refers to the file ending to look for in .01_Input/ folder

If your files are spread across subdirectories in (e.g.) ./01_Input/, add --recursive_load flag.

Flickr YFCC100m

A specific mapping is provided for the YFCC100m Dataset.

The YFCC100m Dataset consists of multiple files, with the core dataset of 100 Million Flickr photo metadata records (yfcc100m_dataset.csv) and several "expansion sets".

The only expansion-set that is available for mapping is places-expansion (yfcc100m_places.csv).

Both photo metadata and places metadata can be processed parrallel, by using --zip_records.

Before executing the following, make sure you've started the lbsn-raw database docker. This includes the postgres implementation of the common lbsn structure format. You can run the docker db container on any host, but we suggest testing your setup locally - in this case, refers to localhost and port 15432 (the default for lbsn-raw).

lbsntransform --origin 21 \
    --file_input \
    --input_path_url "https://myurltoflickrymcc.dataset.org/yfcc100m_dataset.csv;https://myurltoflickrymcc.dataset.org/flickr_yfcc100m/yfcc100m_places.csv" \
    --dbpassword_output "your-db-password" \
    --dbuser_output "postgres" \
    --dbserveraddress_output "" \
    --dbname_output "rawdb" \
    --csv_delimiter $'\t' \
    --file_type "csv" \
    --zip_records \
    --skip_until_record 7373485 \
    --transferlimit 10000 \
    --mappings_path ./resources/mappings/

In the example above,

--skip_until_record 7373485

.. is used to skip input records up to record 7373485. This is an example on how to continue processing (e.g. if your previous transform job was aborted for any reason).

Also, transfer is limited to first 10000 records:

--transferlimit 10000

If you have stored the Flickr-dataset locally, simply replace the urls with:

--input_path_url "/data/flickr_yfcc100m/"

Privacy-aware output (HyperLogLog)

We've developed a privacy-aware implementation of lbsn-raw format, based based on the probabilistic datastructure HyperLogLog and the postgres implementation from Citus.

Two preparations steps are necessary:

  • Prepare a postgres database with the HLL version of lbsnstructure. You can use the lbsn-hll database docker

  • Prepare a read-only (empty) database with Citus HyperLogLog extension installed. You can use the hll importer docker

We've designed this rather complex setup to separate concerns:

  • the importer db (called hllworkerdb in the command below) will be used by lbsntransform to calculate hll shards from raw data
  • it will not store any data, nor will it get any additional (privacy-relevant) information.
  • Shards are calculated in-memory and returned. The importer is prepared with global hll-settings that must not change during the whole lifetime of the final output.

For example, as a means of additional security, before creating shards, distinct values can be one-way-hashed. This hashing can be improved using a salt that is only known to importer.

Finally, as a result, output hll db will not retrieve any privacy-relevant data because this is removed before transmission.


Depending on chosen bases and the type of input data, data may still contain privacy sensitive references. Have a look at the lbsn-docs for further information.

To convert YFCC100m photo metadata and places and transfer to a local hll-db, use:

lbsntransform --origin 21 \
    --file_input \
    --input_path_url "/data/flickr_yfcc100m/" \
    --dbpassword_output "your-db-password" \
    --dbuser_output "postgres" \
    --dbserveraddress_output "" \
    --dbname_output "hlldb" \
    --dbformat_output "hll" \
    --dbpassword_hllworker "your-db-password" \
    --dbuser_hllworker "postgres" \
    --dbserveraddress_hllworker "" \
    --dbname_hllworker "hllworkerdb" \
    --csv_delimiter $'\t' \
    --file_type "csv" \
    --zip_records \
    --mappings_path ./resources/mappings/