Collection of helper functions being used in lbsntransform package.
Expand source code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Collection of helper functions being used in lbsntransform package.
import datetime as dt
import importlib.util
import json
import logging
import re
import string
from datetime import timezone
from json import JSONDecodeError, JSONDecoder
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Set, Union, Any, Dict
import lbsnstructure as lbsn
from emoji import distinct_emoji_list
from google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2 import Timestamp
from shapely import geos, wkt
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
from lbsntransform.output.shared_structure import Coordinates
# check if nltk is installed
import nltk
except ImportError:
# check if stopwords corpus is available
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
STOPWORDS = stopwords.words("english")
except LookupError:
"Please use "
"`python -c 'import nltk;\"stopwords\")'` "
"to install stopwords resource globally. Continuing without "
"nltk stopwords filter.."
# pylint: disable=no-member
class HelperFunctions:
"""Collection of helper functions being used in lbsntransform package"""
# Null Geometry String (4326)
# for improving performance in PostGIS Upserts
NULL_GEOM_HEX = "0101000020E610000000000000000000000000000000000000"
def value_count(value_x: str):
"""Turn none values into 0, otherwise return value"""
if value_x is None:
return 0
if isinstance(value_x, int):
return value_x
return int(value_x) if value_x.isdigit() else 0
def remove_prefix(text_str: str, prefix: str):
"""Remove prefix from string"""
if text_str.startswith(prefix):
return text_str[len(prefix) :]
return text_str
def concat_values_str(sql_escaped_values_list: List[str]) -> str:
"""Concat List of sql escaped values with comma separated"""
values_str = ",".join(sql_escaped_values_list)
return values_str
def sanitize_string(str_text: str):
"""Sanitize text strings for postgres sql compatibility
* remove any NUL (0x00) characters
return str_text.replace("\x00", "")
def format_base_repr(base):
"""Return formatted string of base"""
return (
f"{base.NAME.base}\nFacet: {base.NAME.facet}, "
f"Key: {base.get_key_value()}, "
f"Metrics: \n"
f'{[":".join([k, str(len(v))]) for k, v in base.metrics.items()]}'
def remove_hyperlinks(text_s):
"""Remove any hyperlinks from string (regex)
- anything between <a>xxx</a> will be kept
pattern = r"<(a|/a).*?>"
result = re.sub(pattern, "", text_s)
return result
def get_all_post_terms(record: Optional[lbsn.Post] = None) -> Set[str]:
"""Returns all post terms combined in single set"""
body_terms = HelperFunctions.select_terms(record.post_body)
title_terms = HelperFunctions.select_terms(record.post_title)
tag_terms = HelperFunctions.filter_terms(record.hashtags)
all_post_terms = set.union(body_terms, title_terms, tag_terms)
return all_post_terms
def select_terms(text_s: str, selection_list: List[str] = None) -> Set[str]:
"""Extract list of words from sentence and return filtered version"""
# first remove hyperlinks
text_s = HelperFunctions.remove_hyperlinks(text_s)
# remove problematic characters from string
text_s = HelperFunctions.sanitize_string(text_s)
# remove punctuation
text_s = text_s.translate(str.maketrans("", "", string.punctuation))
# split string by space character into list
querywords = text_s.split()
resultwords = HelperFunctions.filter_terms(querywords, selection_list)
return resultwords
def filter_terms(terms: List[str], selection_list: List[str] = None) -> Set[str]:
"""Filter a list of terms
* based on a provided positive(negative) filter list of terms,
* based on length (minimum 2 characters),
* based on type (no plain numbers)
# turn lowercase
querywords = [word.lower() for word in terms]
# filter based on
# - stoplist/selectionlist
# - length (3+ character)
# - type: no numbers
resultwords = {
for word in querywords
if (selection_list is None or word in selection_list)
and len(word) > 2
and HelperFunctions.nltk_stopword_filter(word)
and not word.isdigit()
return resultwords
def nltk_stopword_filter(
term: str, nltk_avail=NLTK_AVAIL, stopwords=STOPWORDS
) -> bool:
"""Filter term against nltk stopwords (english)"""
if nltk_avail is not None and stopwords is not None:
if term in stopwords:
return False
return True
def reduce_ewkt_to_wkt(geom_ewkt: str) -> str:
"""Hack to reduce extended WKT (eWKT) to WKT"""
geom_wkt = geom_ewkt.replace("SRID=4326;", "")
return geom_wkt
def get_geom_from_ewkt(geom_ewkt: str) -> Union[Point, Polygon]:
"""Convert EWKT representation (without srid) to shapely geometry
Note: either Point or Polygon
geom_wkt = HelperFunctions.reduce_ewkt_to_wkt(geom_ewkt)
shply_geom = wkt.loads(geom_wkt)
return shply_geom
def get_coordinates_from_ewkt(geom: str) -> Coordinates:
"""Convert EWKT representation (with srid) to geometry
Shapely has no support for handling SRID (projection). The
approach used here is a shortcut. This should be replaced
by proper EWKT handling using a package, e.g.
django.contrib.gis.geos or django.contrib.gis.geometry, see:
if not geom:
return Coordinates()
geom = HelperFunctions.reduce_ewkt_to_wkt(geom)
shply_geom = HelperFunctions.get_geom_from_ewkt(geom)
if not shply_geom.geom_type == "Point":
raise ValueError(
f"Expected geometry of type Point, " f"but found {shply_geom.geom_type}"
coordinates = Coordinates(
lng=shply_geom.x, lat=shply_geom.y
) # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
return coordinates
def extract_hashtags_from_string(text_str: str) -> Set[str]:
"""Extract hashtags with leading hash-character (#) from string
- removes # from hashtags
- removes duplicates
- removes special chars (emoji etc.) from hashtags, e.g.:
- input: "#germany🇩🇪"
- output: [germany]
startstring = "#"
return HelperFunctions.extract_special(text_str, startstring)
def extract_atmentions_from_string(
text_str: str, startstring: str = "@"
) -> Set[str]:
"""Extract @-mentions with leading hash-character (@) from string
- removes @ from mentions
- removes duplicates
- removes special chars (emoji etc.) from mentions, e.g.:
- input: "@userxyz🇩🇪"
- output: [userxyz]
- will extract users with underscore character sin name (_) but not with
minus sign (-), since this is not allowed on Twitter
return HelperFunctions.extract_special(
text_str, startstring, allow_underscore=True
def extract_user_mentions(
text_str: Optional[str], startstring: str = "/u/"
) -> Optional[Set[str]]:
"""Extract user mentions. Default value for startstring refers to /u/ on Reddit"""
if not text_str:
return HelperFunctions.extract_special(
text_str, startstring, allow_minus=True, allow_underscore=True
def extract_special(
text_str: str,
startstring: str,
allow_minus: bool = False,
allow_underscore: bool = False,
) -> Set[str]:
"""Extract special strings based on starting character, e.g. /u/ (user mention), or #hashtags.
allow_minus: If True, extraction for positive find will not stop at Minus-character (-).
Usually, Minus-character is disallowed (e.g. Hashtags). But sometoimes (e.g. on Reddit
usernames), it is allowed and needed to extract the full reference.
allow_underscore: Same as allow_minus, just for underscore character (_)
optional_minus = ""
optional_underscore = ""
additional_chars = ""
if allow_minus:
optional_minus = "-"
if allow_underscore:
optional_underscore = "_"
if allow_minus or allow_underscore:
additional_chars = rf"[{optional_minus}{optional_underscore}]?\w+"
extract_special_pattern = re.compile(
special_list = extract_special_pattern.findall(text_str)
return set(special_list)
def json_read_wrapper(gen):
"""Wraps json iterator and catches any error"""
while True:
yield next(gen)
except StopIteration:
# no further items produced by the iterator
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
except Exception as e:
def json_load_wrapper(gen, single: bool = None):
"""Wraps json load(s) and catches any error"""
if single is None:
single = False
if single:
record = json.loads(gen)
return record
records = json.load(gen)
return records
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
except Exception as exc_general:
def _log_json_decodeerror(record_str: str):
"\nJSONDecodeError: skipping entry\n%s\n\n", record_str
def _log_unhandled_exception(e: Any):
"\nUnhandled exception: \n%s\n ..skipping entry\n", e
def report_stats(input_cnt, current_cnt, lbsn_records=None):
"""Format string for reporting stats."""
report_stats = (
f"{input_cnt} "
f"input records read (up to "
f"{current_cnt}). "
return report_stats
def get_count_stats(lbsn_records=None):
"""Format string for reporting count stats."""
if lbsn_records is None:
report_stats = (
f"Count per type: " f"{lbsn_records.get_type_counts()}" f"records."
return report_stats
def get_str_formatted_today():
"""Returns date as string (YYYY-mm-dd)"""
today =
today_str = today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
return today_str
def set_logger():
"""Set logging handler manually,
so we can also print to console while logging to file
handlers=[logging.FileHandler("log.log", "w", "utf-8")],
format="%(asctime)s,%(msecs)d %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s",
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Get Stream handler
return log
def geoacc_within_threshold(post_geoaccuracy, min_geoaccuracy):
"""Checks if geoaccuracy is within or below threshhold defined"""
if min_geoaccuracy == lbsn.Post.LATLNG:
allowed_geoaccuracies = [lbsn.Post.LATLNG]
elif min_geoaccuracy == lbsn.Post.PLACE:
allowed_geoaccuracies = [lbsn.Post.LATLNG, lbsn.Post.PLACE]
elif min_geoaccuracy == lbsn.Post.CITY:
allowed_geoaccuracies = [lbsn.Post.LATLNG, lbsn.Post.PLACE, lbsn.Post.CITY]
return True
# check post geoaccuracy
return bool(post_geoaccuracy in allowed_geoaccuracies)
def get_version():
"""Gets the program version number from version file in root"""
with open("VERSION") as version_file:
version_var =
return version_var
def log_main_debug(debug_text):
"""Issues a main debug log in case it is
needed for static functions.
def null_notice(x_value: int) -> str:
"""Reporting: Suppresses null notice (for Null island)
if value is zero.
return f"(Null Island: {x_value})" if x_value > 0 else ""
def utc_to_local(utc_dt):
"""Convert utc to local time"""
return utc_dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).astimezone(tz=None)
def cleanhtml(raw_html: str) -> str:
"""Remove any html tags from string"""
cleanr = re.compile("<.*?>")
cleantext = re.sub(cleanr, "", raw_html)
return cleantext
def extract_emoji(string_with_emoji: str) -> Set[str]:
"""Extract distinct set of emoji from string"""
return distinct_emoji_list(string_with_emoji)
def get_rectangle_bounds(points):
"""Get rectangle boundary from list of points"""
lats = []
lngs = []
for point in points:
lim_y_min = min(lats)
lim_y_max = max(lats)
lim_x_min = min(lngs)
lim_x_max = max(lngs)
return lim_y_min, lim_y_max, lim_x_min, lim_x_max
def new_lbsn_record_with_id(record, id, origin):
"""Initialize new lbsn record with composite ID"""
c_key = lbsn.CompositeKey()
c_key.origin.CopyFrom(origin) = id
return record
def new_lbsn_relation_with_id(
lbsn_relationship, relation_to_id, relation_from_id, relation_origin
"""Initialize new lbsn relationship with 2 composite IDs
for one origin
c_key_to = lbsn.CompositeKey()
c_key_to.origin.CopyFrom(relation_origin) = relation_to_id
c_key_from = lbsn.CompositeKey()
c_key_from.origin.CopyFrom(relation_origin) = relation_from_id
r_key = lbsn.RelationshipKey()
return lbsn_relationship
def is_post_reaction(json_string):
"""Determine if post is post reaction
The retweeted field will return true if a tweet _got_ retweeted
To detect if a tweet is a retweet of other tweet,
check the retweeted_status field
return bool(
"quoted_status" in json_string
or "retweeted_status" in json_string
or json_string.get("in_reply_to_status_id_str")
def assign_media_post_type(json_media_string):
"""Media type assignment based on Twitter json"""
# if post, get type of first entity
type_string = json_media_string[0].get("type")
# type is either photo, video, or animated_gif
post_type = lbsn.Post.OTHER
if type_string:
if type_string == "photo":
post_type = lbsn.Post.IMAGE
elif type_string in ("video", "animated_gif"):
post_type = lbsn.Post.VIDEO
"Other lbsn.Post type detected: %s", json_media_string
return post_type
def json_date_string_to_proto(json_date_string: str):
"""Parse String -Date Format found in Twitter json"""
date_time_record = dt.datetime.strptime(
json_date_string, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y"
protobuf_timestamp_record = Timestamp()
# Convert to ProtoBuf Timestamp Recommendation
return protobuf_timestamp_record
def json_date_timestamp_to_proto(json_date_timestamp):
"""Parse String -Timestamp Format found in Twitter json"""
date_time_record = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(json_date_timestamp)
protobuf_timestamp_record = Timestamp()
# Convert to ProtoBuf Timestamp Recommendation
return protobuf_timestamp_record
def parse_csv_datestring_to_protobuf(csv_datestring, t_format=None):
"""Parse String -Timestamp Format found in Flickr csv
e.g. 2012-02-16 09:56:37.0
if t_format is None:
t_format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"
date_time_record = dt.datetime.strptime(csv_datestring, t_format)
except ValueError:
return None
return HelperFunctions.date_to_proto(date_time_record)
def date_to_proto(dt_record) -> Optional[Timestamp]:
"""Assign datetime to protobuf Timestamp"""
protobuf_timestamp_record = Timestamp()
# Convert to ProtoBuf Timestamp Recommendation
return protobuf_timestamp_record
def stringdate_to_proto(dt_string) -> Optional[Timestamp]:
"""Stringdate to proto, e.g. 2019-10-02T18:34:24"""
protobuf_timestamp_record = Timestamp()
return protobuf_timestamp_record
def parse_timestamp_string_to_protobuf(timestamp_string):
"""Parse from RFC 3339 date string to Timestamp."""
time_date = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(timestamp_string))
protobuf_timestamp_record = Timestamp()
return protobuf_timestamp_record
def get_mentioned_users(user_mentions_json: List[Dict[str, str]], origin):
"""Return list of mentioned users from json"""
mentioned_users_list = []
for user_mention in user_mentions_json: # iterate over the list
ref_user_record = HelperFunctions.new_lbsn_record_with_id(
lbsn.User(), user_mention.get("id_str"), origin
ref_user_record.user_fullname = user_mention.get(
) # Needs to be saved
ref_user_record.user_name = user_mention.get("screen_name")
return mentioned_users_list
def create_mentioned_users(mentioned_users_list_str: Set[str], origin):
"""Return list of mentioned users from json"""
mentioned_users_list = []
for user_mention in mentioned_users_list_str: # iterate over the list
ref_user_record = HelperFunctions.new_lbsn_record_with_id(
lbsn.User(), user_mention, origin
return mentioned_users_list
def substitute_referenced_user(main_post, origin, log):
"""Look for mentioned userRecords"""
ref_user_pkey = None
user_mentions_json = main_post.get("entities").get("user_mentions")
if user_mentions_json:
ref_user_records = HelperFunctions.get_mentioned_users(
user_mentions_json, origin
# if it is a retweet, and the status contains 'RT @',
# and the mentioned UserID is also in the status,
# we can almost be completely certain that it is the userid who
# posted the original tweet that was retweeted
if (
and ref_user_records[0].user_name.lower()
in main_post.get("text").lower()
and main_post.get("text").startswith("RT @")
ref_user_pkey = ref_user_records[0].pkey
if ref_user_pkey is None:
f"No lbsn.User record found for referenced post in: " f"{main_post}"
"Press Enter to continue... " "(post will be saved without userid)"
return ref_user_pkey
def null_check(record_attr):
"""Helper function to check for Null Values"""
if not record_attr:
# will catch empty and None
return None
# This function will also remove Null bytes from string,
# which aren't supported by Postgres
if isinstance(record_attr, str):
record_attr = HelperFunctions.clean_null_bytes_from_str(record_attr)
return record_attr
def null_geom_check(geom_attr):
"""Helper function to check for Null Values
in geometry columns and replace with Null Island
null_geom_check is only applied to geometry columns
with NOT NULL Constraint
if geom_attr is None or (isinstance(geom_attr, str) and geom_attr == ""):
null_island = "POINT(0 0)"
return null_island
return geom_attr
def null_check_datetime(record_attr):
"""Check if date is null or empty and replace with default value"""
if not record_attr:
# will catch empty and None
dt_attr = record_attr.ToDatetime()
if dt_attr == dt.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0):
return None
return record_attr.ToDatetime()
def return_ewkb_from_geotext(text):
"""Generates Geometry in Well-known-Text format
from PostGis Format (e.g. 'POINT(0 0)')
with SRID for WGS1984 (4326)
Note that:
geos.WKBWriter.defaults['include_srid'] = True
must be set (see
if text is None:
# keep Null geometries, e.g. for geom_area columns
return None
geom = wkt.loads(text)
# Set SRID to WGS1984
geos.lgeos.GEOSSetSRID(geom._geom, 4326)
geom = geom.wkb_hex
return geom
def decode_stacked(document, pos=0, decoder=JSONDecoder()):
"""Decode stacked json"""
not_whitespace = re.compile(r"[^\s]")
while True:
match =, pos)
if not match:
pos = match.start()
obj, pos = decoder.raw_decode(document, pos)
except JSONDecodeError:
yield obj
def clean_null_bytes_from_str(text_str: str):
"""Remove null bytes from string for pg compatibility"""
str_without_null_byte = text_str.replace("\x00", "")
return str_without_null_byte
def turn_lower(text_str):
"""Returns lower but keeps none values"""
if text_str:
return text_str.lower()
return text_str
def empty_list(list_str):
"""Returns lower but keeps none values"""
if list_str:
if len(list_str) == 0:
return None
return list_str
return None
def map_to_dict(proto_map):
"""Converts protobuf field map (ScalarMapContainer)
to Dictionary"""
if proto_map:
mapped_dict = dict(zip(proto_map.keys(), proto_map.values()))
return mapped_dict
return {}
def _get_file_list(path: Path, ext: str = "py"):
"""Return file list in folder"""
return [file.stem for file in path.glob(f"*.{ext}")]
def dynamic_get_mapping_module(origin: int, mappings_path: Path = None):
"""Function to dynamically register input mappings
origin: The MAPPING_ID to identify the mapping module.
path: Override default path with user defined folder.
if mappings_path is None or origin == 0:
mappings_module_name = "lbsntransform.input.mappings"
from lbsntransform.input.mappings.field_mapping_lbsn import (
return importer
mapping_modules = HelperFunctions._get_file_list(mappings_path)
init_file_str = "__init__"
mappings_module_name =
for mapping_module in mapping_modules:
if mapping_module == init_file_str:
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(
mappings_path / f"{mapping_module}.py",
module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
if hasattr(module, "MAPPING_ID") and module.MAPPING_ID == origin:
if hasattr(module, "importer"):
importer = module.importer
return importer
raise ImportError("importer missing in {module}")
raise ValueError(
f"{origin} not found in {mappings_module_name}. "
f"Input type not supported."
def load_module(package: str, name: str):
name = f"{package}.{name}"
__import__(name, fromlist=[""])
def load_importer_mapping_module(origin: int, mappings_path: Path = None):
"""Switch import module based on origin input
1 - Instagram, 2 - Flickr, 3 - Twitter, 4 - Facebook
importer = HelperFunctions.dynamic_get_mapping_module(
origin=origin, mappings_path=mappings_path
return importer
def dict_type_switcher(desc_name):
"""Create protoBuf messages by name"""
dict_switcher = {
lbsn.Country() lbsn.Country(),
lbsn.City() lbsn.City(),
lbsn.Place() lbsn.Place(),
lbsn.User() lbsn.User(),
lbsn.UserGroup() lbsn.UserGroup(),
lbsn.Post() lbsn.Post(),
lbsn.PostReaction() lbsn.PostReaction(),
lbsn.Relationship() lbsn.Relationship(),
return dict_switcher.get(desc_name)
def check_notice_empty_post_guid(post_guid):
"""Check if post_guid empty and if, raise warning"""
if not post_guid:
logging.getLogger("__main__").warning(f"No PostGuid\n\n" f"{post_guid}")
return False
return True
def get_skipped_report(import_mapper):
"""Get count report of records skipped due to low geoaccuracy
or ignore list"""
skipped_geo = None
skipped_ignore = None
# check if methods habe been implemented in import mapper module
skipped_geo_count = import_mapper.get_skipped_geoaccuracy()
except AttributeError:
skipped_geo_count = 0
skipped_ignorelist_count = import_mapper.get_skipped_ignorelist()
except AttributeError:
skipped_ignorelist_count = 0
# compile report texts
if skipped_geo_count > 0:
skipped_geo = f"Skipped " f"{skipped_geo_count} " f"due to low geoaccuracy."
if skipped_ignorelist_count > 0:
skipped_ignore = (
f"Skipped " f"{skipped_ignorelist_count} " f"due to ignore list."
if skipped_geo is None and skipped_ignore is None:
return ""
report_str = " ".join(filter(None, [skipped_geo, skipped_ignore]))
return report_str
class HelperFunctions
Collection of helper functions being used in lbsntransform package
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class HelperFunctions: """Collection of helper functions being used in lbsntransform package""" # Null Geometry String (4326) # for improving performance in PostGIS Upserts NULL_GEOM_HEX = "0101000020E610000000000000000000000000000000000000" @staticmethod def value_count(value_x: str): """Turn none values into 0, otherwise return value""" if value_x is None: return 0 if isinstance(value_x, int): return value_x return int(value_x) if value_x.isdigit() else 0 @staticmethod def remove_prefix(text_str: str, prefix: str): """Remove prefix from string""" if text_str.startswith(prefix): return text_str[len(prefix) :] return text_str @staticmethod def concat_values_str(sql_escaped_values_list: List[str]) -> str: """Concat List of sql escaped values with comma separated""" values_str = ",".join(sql_escaped_values_list) return values_str @staticmethod def sanitize_string(str_text: str): """Sanitize text strings for postgres sql compatibility * remove any NUL (0x00) characters """ return str_text.replace("\x00", "") @staticmethod def format_base_repr(base): """Return formatted string of base""" return ( f"{base.NAME.base}\nFacet: {base.NAME.facet}, " f"Key: {base.get_key_value()}, " f"Metrics: \n" f'{[":".join([k, str(len(v))]) for k, v in base.metrics.items()]}' ) @staticmethod def remove_hyperlinks(text_s): """Remove any hyperlinks from string (regex) Note: - anything between <a>xxx</a> will be kept """ pattern = r"<(a|/a).*?>" result = re.sub(pattern, "", text_s) return result @staticmethod def get_all_post_terms(record: Optional[lbsn.Post] = None) -> Set[str]: """Returns all post terms combined in single set""" body_terms = HelperFunctions.select_terms(record.post_body) title_terms = HelperFunctions.select_terms(record.post_title) tag_terms = HelperFunctions.filter_terms(record.hashtags) all_post_terms = set.union(body_terms, title_terms, tag_terms) return all_post_terms @staticmethod def select_terms(text_s: str, selection_list: List[str] = None) -> Set[str]: """Extract list of words from sentence and return filtered version""" # first remove hyperlinks text_s = HelperFunctions.remove_hyperlinks(text_s) # remove problematic characters from string text_s = HelperFunctions.sanitize_string(text_s) # remove punctuation text_s = text_s.translate(str.maketrans("", "", string.punctuation)) # split string by space character into list querywords = text_s.split() resultwords = HelperFunctions.filter_terms(querywords, selection_list) return resultwords @staticmethod def filter_terms(terms: List[str], selection_list: List[str] = None) -> Set[str]: """Filter a list of terms * based on a provided positive(negative) filter list of terms, * based on length (minimum 2 characters), * based on type (no plain numbers) """ # turn lowercase querywords = [word.lower() for word in terms] # filter based on # - stoplist/selectionlist # - length (3+ character) # - type: no numbers resultwords = { word for word in querywords if (selection_list is None or word in selection_list) and len(word) > 2 and HelperFunctions.nltk_stopword_filter(word) and not word.isdigit() } return resultwords @staticmethod def nltk_stopword_filter( term: str, nltk_avail=NLTK_AVAIL, stopwords=STOPWORDS ) -> bool: """Filter term against nltk stopwords (english)""" if nltk_avail is not None and stopwords is not None: if term in stopwords: return False return True @staticmethod def reduce_ewkt_to_wkt(geom_ewkt: str) -> str: """Hack to reduce extended WKT (eWKT) to WKT""" geom_wkt = geom_ewkt.replace("SRID=4326;", "") return geom_wkt @staticmethod def get_geom_from_ewkt(geom_ewkt: str) -> Union[Point, Polygon]: """Convert EWKT representation (without srid) to shapely geometry Note: either Point or Polygon """ geom_wkt = HelperFunctions.reduce_ewkt_to_wkt(geom_ewkt) shply_geom = wkt.loads(geom_wkt) return shply_geom @staticmethod def get_coordinates_from_ewkt(geom: str) -> Coordinates: """Convert EWKT representation (with srid) to geometry Note: Shapely has no support for handling SRID (projection). The approach used here is a shortcut. This should be replaced by proper EWKT handling using a package, e.g. django.contrib.gis.geos or django.contrib.gis.geometry, see: """ if not geom: return Coordinates() geom = HelperFunctions.reduce_ewkt_to_wkt(geom) shply_geom = HelperFunctions.get_geom_from_ewkt(geom) if not shply_geom.geom_type == "Point": raise ValueError( f"Expected geometry of type Point, " f"but found {shply_geom.geom_type}" ) coordinates = Coordinates( lng=shply_geom.x, lat=shply_geom.y ) # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member return coordinates @staticmethod def extract_hashtags_from_string(text_str: str) -> Set[str]: """Extract hashtags with leading hash-character (#) from string - removes # from hashtags - removes duplicates - removes special chars (emoji etc.) from hashtags, e.g.: - input: "#germany🇩🇪" - output: [germany] """ startstring = "#" return HelperFunctions.extract_special(text_str, startstring) @staticmethod def extract_atmentions_from_string( text_str: str, startstring: str = "@" ) -> Set[str]: """Extract @-mentions with leading hash-character (@) from string - removes @ from mentions - removes duplicates - removes special chars (emoji etc.) from mentions, e.g.: - input: "@userxyz🇩🇪" - output: [userxyz] - will extract users with underscore character sin name (_) but not with minus sign (-), since this is not allowed on Twitter """ return HelperFunctions.extract_special( text_str, startstring, allow_underscore=True ) @staticmethod def extract_user_mentions( text_str: Optional[str], startstring: str = "/u/" ) -> Optional[Set[str]]: """Extract user mentions. Default value for startstring refers to /u/ on Reddit""" if not text_str: return return HelperFunctions.extract_special( text_str, startstring, allow_minus=True, allow_underscore=True ) @staticmethod def extract_special( text_str: str, startstring: str, allow_minus: bool = False, allow_underscore: bool = False, ) -> Set[str]: """Extract special strings based on starting character, e.g. /u/ (user mention), or #hashtags. allow_minus: If True, extraction for positive find will not stop at Minus-character (-). Usually, Minus-character is disallowed (e.g. Hashtags). But sometoimes (e.g. on Reddit usernames), it is allowed and needed to extract the full reference. allow_underscore: Same as allow_minus, just for underscore character (_) """ optional_minus = "" optional_underscore = "" additional_chars = "" if allow_minus: optional_minus = "-" if allow_underscore: optional_underscore = "_" if allow_minus or allow_underscore: additional_chars = rf"[{optional_minus}{optional_underscore}]?\w+" extract_special_pattern = re.compile( rf"(?i)(?<={startstring})\w+{additional_chars}" ) special_list = extract_special_pattern.findall(text_str) return set(special_list) @staticmethod def json_read_wrapper(gen): """Wraps json iterator and catches any error""" while True: try: yield next(gen) except StopIteration: # no further items produced by the iterator raise except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: HelperFunctions._log_json_decodeerror(gen) except Exception as e: HelperFunctions._log_unhandled_exception(e) @staticmethod def json_load_wrapper(gen, single: bool = None): """Wraps json load(s) and catches any error""" if single is None: single = False try: if single: record = json.loads(gen) return record records = json.load(gen) return records except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: HelperFunctions._log_json_decodeerror(gen) except Exception as exc_general: HelperFunctions._log_unhandled_exception(exc_general) @staticmethod def _log_json_decodeerror(record_str: str): logging.getLogger("__main__").warning( "\nJSONDecodeError: skipping entry\n%s\n\n", record_str ) @staticmethod def _log_unhandled_exception(e: Any): logging.getLogger("__main__").warning( "\nUnhandled exception: \n%s\n ..skipping entry\n", e ) @staticmethod def report_stats(input_cnt, current_cnt, lbsn_records=None): """Format string for reporting stats.""" report_stats = ( f"{input_cnt} " f"input records read (up to " f"{current_cnt}). " f"{HelperFunctions.get_count_stats(lbsn_records)}" ) return report_stats @staticmethod def get_count_stats(lbsn_records=None): """Format string for reporting count stats.""" if lbsn_records is None: return report_stats = ( f"Count per type: " f"{lbsn_records.get_type_counts()}" f"records." ) return report_stats @staticmethod def get_str_formatted_today(): """Returns date as string (YYYY-mm-dd)""" today = today_str = today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") return today_str @staticmethod def set_logger(): """Set logging handler manually, so we can also print to console while logging to file """ logging.basicConfig( handlers=[logging.FileHandler("log.log", "w", "utf-8")], format="%(asctime)s,%(msecs)d %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s", datefmt="%H:%M:%S", level=logging.DEBUG, ) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Get Stream handler logging.getLogger().addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) return log @staticmethod def geoacc_within_threshold(post_geoaccuracy, min_geoaccuracy): """Checks if geoaccuracy is within or below threshhold defined""" if min_geoaccuracy == lbsn.Post.LATLNG: allowed_geoaccuracies = [lbsn.Post.LATLNG] elif min_geoaccuracy == lbsn.Post.PLACE: allowed_geoaccuracies = [lbsn.Post.LATLNG, lbsn.Post.PLACE] elif min_geoaccuracy == lbsn.Post.CITY: allowed_geoaccuracies = [lbsn.Post.LATLNG, lbsn.Post.PLACE, lbsn.Post.CITY] else: return True # check post geoaccuracy return bool(post_geoaccuracy in allowed_geoaccuracies) @staticmethod def get_version(): """Gets the program version number from version file in root""" with open("VERSION") as version_file: version_var = return version_var @staticmethod def log_main_debug(debug_text): """Issues a main debug log in case it is needed for static functions. """ logging.getLogger("__main__").debug(debug_text) @staticmethod def null_notice(x_value: int) -> str: """Reporting: Suppresses null notice (for Null island) if value is zero. """ return f"(Null Island: {x_value})" if x_value > 0 else "" @staticmethod def utc_to_local(utc_dt): """Convert utc to local time""" return utc_dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).astimezone(tz=None) @staticmethod def cleanhtml(raw_html: str) -> str: """Remove any html tags from string""" cleanr = re.compile("<.*?>") cleantext = re.sub(cleanr, "", raw_html) return cleantext @staticmethod def extract_emoji(string_with_emoji: str) -> Set[str]: """Extract distinct set of emoji from string""" return distinct_emoji_list(string_with_emoji) @staticmethod def get_rectangle_bounds(points): """Get rectangle boundary from list of points""" lats = [] lngs = [] for point in points: lngs.append(point[0]) lats.append(point[1]) lim_y_min = min(lats) lim_y_max = max(lats) lim_x_min = min(lngs) lim_x_max = max(lngs) return lim_y_min, lim_y_max, lim_x_min, lim_x_max @staticmethod def new_lbsn_record_with_id(record, id, origin): """Initialize new lbsn record with composite ID""" c_key = lbsn.CompositeKey() c_key.origin.CopyFrom(origin) = id record.pkey.CopyFrom(c_key) return record @staticmethod def new_lbsn_relation_with_id( lbsn_relationship, relation_to_id, relation_from_id, relation_origin ): """Initialize new lbsn relationship with 2 composite IDs for one origin """ c_key_to = lbsn.CompositeKey() c_key_to.origin.CopyFrom(relation_origin) = relation_to_id c_key_from = lbsn.CompositeKey() c_key_from.origin.CopyFrom(relation_origin) = relation_from_id r_key = lbsn.RelationshipKey() r_key.relation_to.CopyFrom(c_key_to) r_key.relation_from.CopyFrom(c_key_from) lbsn_relationship.pkey.CopyFrom(r_key) return lbsn_relationship @staticmethod def is_post_reaction(json_string): """Determine if post is post reaction The retweeted field will return true if a tweet _got_ retweeted To detect if a tweet is a retweet of other tweet, check the retweeted_status field """ return bool( "quoted_status" in json_string or "retweeted_status" in json_string or json_string.get("in_reply_to_status_id_str") ) @staticmethod def assign_media_post_type(json_media_string): """Media type assignment based on Twitter json""" # if post, get type of first entity type_string = json_media_string[0].get("type") # type is either photo, video, or animated_gif # post_type = lbsn.Post.OTHER if type_string: if type_string == "photo": post_type = lbsn.Post.IMAGE elif type_string in ("video", "animated_gif"): post_type = lbsn.Post.VIDEO else: logging.getLogger("__main__").debug( "Other lbsn.Post type detected: %s", json_media_string ) return post_type @staticmethod def json_date_string_to_proto(json_date_string: str): """Parse String -Date Format found in Twitter json""" date_time_record = dt.datetime.strptime( json_date_string, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y" ) protobuf_timestamp_record = Timestamp() # Convert to ProtoBuf Timestamp Recommendation protobuf_timestamp_record.FromDatetime(date_time_record) return protobuf_timestamp_record @staticmethod def json_date_timestamp_to_proto(json_date_timestamp): """Parse String -Timestamp Format found in Twitter json""" date_time_record = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(json_date_timestamp) protobuf_timestamp_record = Timestamp() # Convert to ProtoBuf Timestamp Recommendation protobuf_timestamp_record.FromDatetime(date_time_record) return protobuf_timestamp_record @staticmethod def parse_csv_datestring_to_protobuf(csv_datestring, t_format=None): """Parse String -Timestamp Format found in Flickr csv e.g. 2012-02-16 09:56:37.0 """ if t_format is None: t_format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" try: date_time_record = dt.datetime.strptime(csv_datestring, t_format) except ValueError: return None return HelperFunctions.date_to_proto(date_time_record) @staticmethod def date_to_proto(dt_record) -> Optional[Timestamp]: """Assign datetime to protobuf Timestamp""" protobuf_timestamp_record = Timestamp() # Convert to ProtoBuf Timestamp Recommendation protobuf_timestamp_record.FromDatetime(dt_record) return protobuf_timestamp_record @staticmethod def stringdate_to_proto(dt_string) -> Optional[Timestamp]: """Stringdate to proto, e.g. 2019-10-02T18:34:24""" protobuf_timestamp_record = Timestamp() protobuf_timestamp_record.FromJsonString(dt_string) return protobuf_timestamp_record @staticmethod def parse_timestamp_string_to_protobuf(timestamp_string): """Parse from RFC 3339 date string to Timestamp.""" time_date = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(timestamp_string)) protobuf_timestamp_record = Timestamp() protobuf_timestamp_record.FromDatetime(time_date) return protobuf_timestamp_record @staticmethod def get_mentioned_users(user_mentions_json: List[Dict[str, str]], origin): """Return list of mentioned users from json""" mentioned_users_list = [] for user_mention in user_mentions_json: # iterate over the list ref_user_record = HelperFunctions.new_lbsn_record_with_id( lbsn.User(), user_mention.get("id_str"), origin ) ref_user_record.user_fullname = user_mention.get( "name" ) # Needs to be saved ref_user_record.user_name = user_mention.get("screen_name") mentioned_users_list.append(ref_user_record) return mentioned_users_list @staticmethod def create_mentioned_users(mentioned_users_list_str: Set[str], origin): """Return list of mentioned users from json""" mentioned_users_list = [] for user_mention in mentioned_users_list_str: # iterate over the list ref_user_record = HelperFunctions.new_lbsn_record_with_id( lbsn.User(), user_mention, origin ) mentioned_users_list.append(ref_user_record) return mentioned_users_list @staticmethod def substitute_referenced_user(main_post, origin, log): """Look for mentioned userRecords""" ref_user_pkey = None user_mentions_json = main_post.get("entities").get("user_mentions") if user_mentions_json: ref_user_records = HelperFunctions.get_mentioned_users( user_mentions_json, origin ) # if it is a retweet, and the status contains 'RT @', # and the mentioned UserID is also in the status, # we can almost be completely certain that it is the userid who # posted the original tweet that was retweeted if ( ref_user_records and ref_user_records[0].user_name.lower() in main_post.get("text").lower() and main_post.get("text").startswith("RT @") ): ref_user_pkey = ref_user_records[0].pkey if ref_user_pkey is None: log.warning( f"No lbsn.User record found for referenced post in: " f"{main_post}" ) input( "Press Enter to continue... " "(post will be saved without userid)" ) return ref_user_pkey @staticmethod def null_check(record_attr): """Helper function to check for Null Values""" if not record_attr: # will catch empty and None return None # This function will also remove Null bytes from string, # which aren't supported by Postgres if isinstance(record_attr, str): record_attr = HelperFunctions.clean_null_bytes_from_str(record_attr) return record_attr @staticmethod def null_geom_check(geom_attr): """Helper function to check for Null Values in geometry columns and replace with Null Island Note: null_geom_check is only applied to geometry columns with NOT NULL Constraint """ if geom_attr is None or (isinstance(geom_attr, str) and geom_attr == ""): null_island = "POINT(0 0)" return null_island return geom_attr @staticmethod def null_check_datetime(record_attr): """Check if date is null or empty and replace with default value""" if not record_attr: # will catch empty and None return try: dt_attr = record_attr.ToDatetime() except: return if dt_attr == dt.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0): return None return record_attr.ToDatetime() @staticmethod def return_ewkb_from_geotext(text): """Generates Geometry in Well-known-Text format from PostGis Format (e.g. 'POINT(0 0)') with SRID for WGS1984 (4326) Note that: geos.WKBWriter.defaults['include_srid'] = True must be set (see """ if text is None: # keep Null geometries, e.g. for geom_area columns return None geom = wkt.loads(text) # Set SRID to WGS1984 geos.lgeos.GEOSSetSRID(geom._geom, 4326) geom = geom.wkb_hex return geom @staticmethod def decode_stacked(document, pos=0, decoder=JSONDecoder()): """Decode stacked json""" not_whitespace = re.compile(r"[^\s]") while True: match =, pos) if not match: return pos = match.start() try: obj, pos = decoder.raw_decode(document, pos) except JSONDecodeError: raise yield obj @staticmethod def clean_null_bytes_from_str(text_str: str): """Remove null bytes from string for pg compatibility""" str_without_null_byte = text_str.replace("\x00", "") return str_without_null_byte @staticmethod def turn_lower(text_str): """Returns lower but keeps none values""" if text_str: return text_str.lower() return text_str @staticmethod def empty_list(list_str): """Returns lower but keeps none values""" if list_str: if len(list_str) == 0: return None else: return list_str return None @staticmethod def map_to_dict(proto_map): """Converts protobuf field map (ScalarMapContainer) to Dictionary""" if proto_map: mapped_dict = dict(zip(proto_map.keys(), proto_map.values())) return mapped_dict return {} @staticmethod def _get_file_list(path: Path, ext: str = "py"): """Return file list in folder""" return [file.stem for file in path.glob(f"*.{ext}")] @staticmethod def dynamic_get_mapping_module(origin: int, mappings_path: Path = None): """Function to dynamically register input mappings Args: origin: The MAPPING_ID to identify the mapping module. path: Override default path with user defined folder. """ if mappings_path is None or origin == 0: mappings_module_name = "lbsntransform.input.mappings" from lbsntransform.input.mappings.field_mapping_lbsn import ( importer, ) return importer else: mapping_modules = HelperFunctions._get_file_list(mappings_path) init_file_str = "__init__" mappings_module_name = for mapping_module in mapping_modules: if mapping_module == init_file_str: continue spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( f"{}.{mapping_module}", mappings_path / f"{mapping_module}.py", ) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) if hasattr(module, "MAPPING_ID") and module.MAPPING_ID == origin: if hasattr(module, "importer"): importer = module.importer return importer raise ImportError("importer missing in {module}") raise ValueError( f"{origin} not found in {mappings_module_name}. " f"Input type not supported." ) @staticmethod def load_module(package: str, name: str): name = f"{package}.{name}" __import__(name, fromlist=[""]) @staticmethod def load_importer_mapping_module(origin: int, mappings_path: Path = None): """Switch import module based on origin input 1 - Instagram, 2 - Flickr, 3 - Twitter, 4 - Facebook """ importer = HelperFunctions.dynamic_get_mapping_module( origin=origin, mappings_path=mappings_path ) return importer @staticmethod def dict_type_switcher(desc_name): """Create protoBuf messages by name""" dict_switcher = { lbsn.Country() lbsn.Country(), lbsn.City() lbsn.City(), lbsn.Place() lbsn.Place(), lbsn.User() lbsn.User(), lbsn.UserGroup() lbsn.UserGroup(), lbsn.Post() lbsn.Post(), lbsn.PostReaction() lbsn.PostReaction(), lbsn.Relationship() lbsn.Relationship(), } return dict_switcher.get(desc_name) @staticmethod def check_notice_empty_post_guid(post_guid): """Check if post_guid empty and if, raise warning""" if not post_guid: logging.getLogger("__main__").warning(f"No PostGuid\n\n" f"{post_guid}") return False return True @staticmethod def get_skipped_report(import_mapper): """Get count report of records skipped due to low geoaccuracy or ignore list""" skipped_geo = None skipped_ignore = None # check if methods habe been implemented in import mapper module try: skipped_geo_count = import_mapper.get_skipped_geoaccuracy() except AttributeError: skipped_geo_count = 0 try: skipped_ignorelist_count = import_mapper.get_skipped_ignorelist() except AttributeError: skipped_ignorelist_count = 0 # compile report texts if skipped_geo_count > 0: skipped_geo = f"Skipped " f"{skipped_geo_count} " f"due to low geoaccuracy." if skipped_ignorelist_count > 0: skipped_ignore = ( f"Skipped " f"{skipped_ignorelist_count} " f"due to ignore list." ) if skipped_geo is None and skipped_ignore is None: return "" else: report_str = " ".join(filter(None, [skipped_geo, skipped_ignore])) return report_str
Class variables
Static methods
def assign_media_post_type(json_media_string)
Media type assignment based on Twitter json
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@staticmethod def assign_media_post_type(json_media_string): """Media type assignment based on Twitter json""" # if post, get type of first entity type_string = json_media_string[0].get("type") # type is either photo, video, or animated_gif # post_type = lbsn.Post.OTHER if type_string: if type_string == "photo": post_type = lbsn.Post.IMAGE elif type_string in ("video", "animated_gif"): post_type = lbsn.Post.VIDEO else: logging.getLogger("__main__").debug( "Other lbsn.Post type detected: %s", json_media_string ) return post_type
def check_notice_empty_post_guid(post_guid)
Check if post_guid empty and if, raise warning
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@staticmethod def check_notice_empty_post_guid(post_guid): """Check if post_guid empty and if, raise warning""" if not post_guid: logging.getLogger("__main__").warning(f"No PostGuid\n\n" f"{post_guid}") return False return True
def clean_null_bytes_from_str(text_str: str)
Remove null bytes from string for pg compatibility
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@staticmethod def clean_null_bytes_from_str(text_str: str): """Remove null bytes from string for pg compatibility""" str_without_null_byte = text_str.replace("\x00", "") return str_without_null_byte
def cleanhtml(raw_html: str) ‑> str
Remove any html tags from string
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@staticmethod def cleanhtml(raw_html: str) -> str: """Remove any html tags from string""" cleanr = re.compile("<.*?>") cleantext = re.sub(cleanr, "", raw_html) return cleantext
def concat_values_str(sql_escaped_values_list: List[str]) ‑> str
Concat List of sql escaped values with comma separated
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@staticmethod def concat_values_str(sql_escaped_values_list: List[str]) -> str: """Concat List of sql escaped values with comma separated""" values_str = ",".join(sql_escaped_values_list) return values_str
def create_mentioned_users(mentioned_users_list_str: Set[str], origin)
Return list of mentioned users from json
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@staticmethod def create_mentioned_users(mentioned_users_list_str: Set[str], origin): """Return list of mentioned users from json""" mentioned_users_list = [] for user_mention in mentioned_users_list_str: # iterate over the list ref_user_record = HelperFunctions.new_lbsn_record_with_id( lbsn.User(), user_mention, origin ) mentioned_users_list.append(ref_user_record) return mentioned_users_list
def date_to_proto(dt_record) ‑> Optional[google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp]
Assign datetime to protobuf Timestamp
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@staticmethod def date_to_proto(dt_record) -> Optional[Timestamp]: """Assign datetime to protobuf Timestamp""" protobuf_timestamp_record = Timestamp() # Convert to ProtoBuf Timestamp Recommendation protobuf_timestamp_record.FromDatetime(dt_record) return protobuf_timestamp_record
def decode_stacked(document, pos=0, decoder=<json.decoder.JSONDecoder object>)
Decode stacked json
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@staticmethod def decode_stacked(document, pos=0, decoder=JSONDecoder()): """Decode stacked json""" not_whitespace = re.compile(r"[^\s]") while True: match =, pos) if not match: return pos = match.start() try: obj, pos = decoder.raw_decode(document, pos) except JSONDecodeError: raise yield obj
def dict_type_switcher(desc_name)
Create protoBuf messages by name
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@staticmethod def dict_type_switcher(desc_name): """Create protoBuf messages by name""" dict_switcher = { lbsn.Country() lbsn.Country(), lbsn.City() lbsn.City(), lbsn.Place() lbsn.Place(), lbsn.User() lbsn.User(), lbsn.UserGroup() lbsn.UserGroup(), lbsn.Post() lbsn.Post(), lbsn.PostReaction() lbsn.PostReaction(), lbsn.Relationship() lbsn.Relationship(), } return dict_switcher.get(desc_name)
def dynamic_get_mapping_module(origin: int, mappings_path: pathlib.Path = None)
Function to dynamically register input mappings
- The MAPPING_ID to identify the mapping module.
- Override default path with user defined folder.
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@staticmethod def dynamic_get_mapping_module(origin: int, mappings_path: Path = None): """Function to dynamically register input mappings Args: origin: The MAPPING_ID to identify the mapping module. path: Override default path with user defined folder. """ if mappings_path is None or origin == 0: mappings_module_name = "lbsntransform.input.mappings" from lbsntransform.input.mappings.field_mapping_lbsn import ( importer, ) return importer else: mapping_modules = HelperFunctions._get_file_list(mappings_path) init_file_str = "__init__" mappings_module_name = for mapping_module in mapping_modules: if mapping_module == init_file_str: continue spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( f"{}.{mapping_module}", mappings_path / f"{mapping_module}.py", ) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) if hasattr(module, "MAPPING_ID") and module.MAPPING_ID == origin: if hasattr(module, "importer"): importer = module.importer return importer raise ImportError("importer missing in {module}") raise ValueError( f"{origin} not found in {mappings_module_name}. " f"Input type not supported." )
def empty_list(list_str)
Returns lower but keeps none values
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@staticmethod def empty_list(list_str): """Returns lower but keeps none values""" if list_str: if len(list_str) == 0: return None else: return list_str return None
def extract_atmentions_from_string(text_str: str, startstring: str = '@') ‑> Set[str]
Extract @-mentions with leading hash-character (@) from string
- removes @ from mentions
- removes duplicates
- removes special chars (emoji etc.) from mentions, e.g.:
- input: "@userxyz🇩🇪"
- output: [userxyz]
- will extract users with underscore character sin name (_) but not with minus sign (-), since this is not allowed on Twitter
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@staticmethod def extract_atmentions_from_string( text_str: str, startstring: str = "@" ) -> Set[str]: """Extract @-mentions with leading hash-character (@) from string - removes @ from mentions - removes duplicates - removes special chars (emoji etc.) from mentions, e.g.: - input: "@userxyz🇩🇪" - output: [userxyz] - will extract users with underscore character sin name (_) but not with minus sign (-), since this is not allowed on Twitter """ return HelperFunctions.extract_special( text_str, startstring, allow_underscore=True )
def extract_emoji(string_with_emoji: str) ‑> Set[str]
Extract distinct set of emoji from string
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@staticmethod def extract_emoji(string_with_emoji: str) -> Set[str]: """Extract distinct set of emoji from string""" return distinct_emoji_list(string_with_emoji)
Extract hashtags with leading hash-character (#) from string
- removes # from hashtags
- removes duplicates
- removes special chars (emoji etc.) from hashtags, e.g.:
- input: "#germany🇩🇪"
- output: [germany]
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@staticmethod def extract_hashtags_from_string(text_str: str) -> Set[str]: """Extract hashtags with leading hash-character (#) from string - removes # from hashtags - removes duplicates - removes special chars (emoji etc.) from hashtags, e.g.: - input: "#germany🇩🇪" - output: [germany] """ startstring = "#" return HelperFunctions.extract_special(text_str, startstring)
def extract_special(text_str: str, startstring: str, allow_minus: bool = False, allow_underscore: bool = False) ‑> Set[str]
Extract special strings based on starting character, e.g. /u/ (user mention), or #hashtags.
allow_minus: If True, extraction for positive find will not stop at Minus-character (-). Usually, Minus-character is disallowed (e.g. Hashtags). But sometoimes (e.g. on Reddit usernames), it is allowed and needed to extract the full reference. allow_underscore: Same as allow_minus, just for underscore character (_)
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@staticmethod def extract_special( text_str: str, startstring: str, allow_minus: bool = False, allow_underscore: bool = False, ) -> Set[str]: """Extract special strings based on starting character, e.g. /u/ (user mention), or #hashtags. allow_minus: If True, extraction for positive find will not stop at Minus-character (-). Usually, Minus-character is disallowed (e.g. Hashtags). But sometoimes (e.g. on Reddit usernames), it is allowed and needed to extract the full reference. allow_underscore: Same as allow_minus, just for underscore character (_) """ optional_minus = "" optional_underscore = "" additional_chars = "" if allow_minus: optional_minus = "-" if allow_underscore: optional_underscore = "_" if allow_minus or allow_underscore: additional_chars = rf"[{optional_minus}{optional_underscore}]?\w+" extract_special_pattern = re.compile( rf"(?i)(?<={startstring})\w+{additional_chars}" ) special_list = extract_special_pattern.findall(text_str) return set(special_list)
def extract_user_mentions(text_str: Optional[str], startstring: str = '/u/') ‑> Optional[Set[str]]
Extract user mentions. Default value for startstring refers to /u/ on Reddit
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@staticmethod def extract_user_mentions( text_str: Optional[str], startstring: str = "/u/" ) -> Optional[Set[str]]: """Extract user mentions. Default value for startstring refers to /u/ on Reddit""" if not text_str: return return HelperFunctions.extract_special( text_str, startstring, allow_minus=True, allow_underscore=True )
def filter_terms(terms: List[str], selection_list: List[str] = None) ‑> Set[str]
Filter a list of terms
- based on a provided positive(negative) filter list of terms,
- based on length (minimum 2 characters),
- based on type (no plain numbers)
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@staticmethod def filter_terms(terms: List[str], selection_list: List[str] = None) -> Set[str]: """Filter a list of terms * based on a provided positive(negative) filter list of terms, * based on length (minimum 2 characters), * based on type (no plain numbers) """ # turn lowercase querywords = [word.lower() for word in terms] # filter based on # - stoplist/selectionlist # - length (3+ character) # - type: no numbers resultwords = { word for word in querywords if (selection_list is None or word in selection_list) and len(word) > 2 and HelperFunctions.nltk_stopword_filter(word) and not word.isdigit() } return resultwords
def format_base_repr(base)
Return formatted string of base
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@staticmethod def format_base_repr(base): """Return formatted string of base""" return ( f"{base.NAME.base}\nFacet: {base.NAME.facet}, " f"Key: {base.get_key_value()}, " f"Metrics: \n" f'{[":".join([k, str(len(v))]) for k, v in base.metrics.items()]}' )
def geoacc_within_threshold(post_geoaccuracy, min_geoaccuracy)
Checks if geoaccuracy is within or below threshhold defined
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@staticmethod def geoacc_within_threshold(post_geoaccuracy, min_geoaccuracy): """Checks if geoaccuracy is within or below threshhold defined""" if min_geoaccuracy == lbsn.Post.LATLNG: allowed_geoaccuracies = [lbsn.Post.LATLNG] elif min_geoaccuracy == lbsn.Post.PLACE: allowed_geoaccuracies = [lbsn.Post.LATLNG, lbsn.Post.PLACE] elif min_geoaccuracy == lbsn.Post.CITY: allowed_geoaccuracies = [lbsn.Post.LATLNG, lbsn.Post.PLACE, lbsn.Post.CITY] else: return True # check post geoaccuracy return bool(post_geoaccuracy in allowed_geoaccuracies)
def get_all_post_terms(record: Optional[lbsnstructure.topical_pb2.Post] = None) ‑> Set[str]
Returns all post terms combined in single set
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@staticmethod def get_all_post_terms(record: Optional[lbsn.Post] = None) -> Set[str]: """Returns all post terms combined in single set""" body_terms = HelperFunctions.select_terms(record.post_body) title_terms = HelperFunctions.select_terms(record.post_title) tag_terms = HelperFunctions.filter_terms(record.hashtags) all_post_terms = set.union(body_terms, title_terms, tag_terms) return all_post_terms
def get_coordinates_from_ewkt(geom: str) ‑> Coordinates
Convert EWKT representation (with srid) to geometry
Note: Shapely has no support for handling SRID (projection). The approach used here is a shortcut. This should be replaced by proper EWKT handling using a package, e.g. django.contrib.gis.geos or django.contrib.gis.geometry, see:
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@staticmethod def get_coordinates_from_ewkt(geom: str) -> Coordinates: """Convert EWKT representation (with srid) to geometry Note: Shapely has no support for handling SRID (projection). The approach used here is a shortcut. This should be replaced by proper EWKT handling using a package, e.g. django.contrib.gis.geos or django.contrib.gis.geometry, see: """ if not geom: return Coordinates() geom = HelperFunctions.reduce_ewkt_to_wkt(geom) shply_geom = HelperFunctions.get_geom_from_ewkt(geom) if not shply_geom.geom_type == "Point": raise ValueError( f"Expected geometry of type Point, " f"but found {shply_geom.geom_type}" ) coordinates = Coordinates( lng=shply_geom.x, lat=shply_geom.y ) # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member return coordinates
def get_count_stats(lbsn_records=None)
Format string for reporting count stats.
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@staticmethod def get_count_stats(lbsn_records=None): """Format string for reporting count stats.""" if lbsn_records is None: return report_stats = ( f"Count per type: " f"{lbsn_records.get_type_counts()}" f"records." ) return report_stats
def get_geom_from_ewkt(geom_ewkt: str) ‑> Union[shapely.geometry.point.Point, shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon]
Convert EWKT representation (without srid) to shapely geometry
Note: either Point or Polygon
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@staticmethod def get_geom_from_ewkt(geom_ewkt: str) -> Union[Point, Polygon]: """Convert EWKT representation (without srid) to shapely geometry Note: either Point or Polygon """ geom_wkt = HelperFunctions.reduce_ewkt_to_wkt(geom_ewkt) shply_geom = wkt.loads(geom_wkt) return shply_geom
def get_mentioned_users(user_mentions_json: List[Dict[str, str]], origin)
Return list of mentioned users from json
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@staticmethod def get_mentioned_users(user_mentions_json: List[Dict[str, str]], origin): """Return list of mentioned users from json""" mentioned_users_list = [] for user_mention in user_mentions_json: # iterate over the list ref_user_record = HelperFunctions.new_lbsn_record_with_id( lbsn.User(), user_mention.get("id_str"), origin ) ref_user_record.user_fullname = user_mention.get( "name" ) # Needs to be saved ref_user_record.user_name = user_mention.get("screen_name") mentioned_users_list.append(ref_user_record) return mentioned_users_list
def get_rectangle_bounds(points)
Get rectangle boundary from list of points
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@staticmethod def get_rectangle_bounds(points): """Get rectangle boundary from list of points""" lats = [] lngs = [] for point in points: lngs.append(point[0]) lats.append(point[1]) lim_y_min = min(lats) lim_y_max = max(lats) lim_x_min = min(lngs) lim_x_max = max(lngs) return lim_y_min, lim_y_max, lim_x_min, lim_x_max
def get_skipped_report(import_mapper)
Get count report of records skipped due to low geoaccuracy or ignore list
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@staticmethod def get_skipped_report(import_mapper): """Get count report of records skipped due to low geoaccuracy or ignore list""" skipped_geo = None skipped_ignore = None # check if methods habe been implemented in import mapper module try: skipped_geo_count = import_mapper.get_skipped_geoaccuracy() except AttributeError: skipped_geo_count = 0 try: skipped_ignorelist_count = import_mapper.get_skipped_ignorelist() except AttributeError: skipped_ignorelist_count = 0 # compile report texts if skipped_geo_count > 0: skipped_geo = f"Skipped " f"{skipped_geo_count} " f"due to low geoaccuracy." if skipped_ignorelist_count > 0: skipped_ignore = ( f"Skipped " f"{skipped_ignorelist_count} " f"due to ignore list." ) if skipped_geo is None and skipped_ignore is None: return "" else: report_str = " ".join(filter(None, [skipped_geo, skipped_ignore])) return report_str
def get_str_formatted_today()
Returns date as string (YYYY-mm-dd)
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@staticmethod def get_str_formatted_today(): """Returns date as string (YYYY-mm-dd)""" today = today_str = today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") return today_str
def get_version()
Gets the program version number from version file in root
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@staticmethod def get_version(): """Gets the program version number from version file in root""" with open("VERSION") as version_file: version_var = return version_var
def is_post_reaction(json_string)
Determine if post is post reaction
The retweeted field will return true if a tweet got retweeted To detect if a tweet is a retweet of other tweet, check the retweeted_status field
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@staticmethod def is_post_reaction(json_string): """Determine if post is post reaction The retweeted field will return true if a tweet _got_ retweeted To detect if a tweet is a retweet of other tweet, check the retweeted_status field """ return bool( "quoted_status" in json_string or "retweeted_status" in json_string or json_string.get("in_reply_to_status_id_str") )
def json_date_string_to_proto(json_date_string: str)
Parse String -Date Format found in Twitter json
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@staticmethod def json_date_string_to_proto(json_date_string: str): """Parse String -Date Format found in Twitter json""" date_time_record = dt.datetime.strptime( json_date_string, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y" ) protobuf_timestamp_record = Timestamp() # Convert to ProtoBuf Timestamp Recommendation protobuf_timestamp_record.FromDatetime(date_time_record) return protobuf_timestamp_record
def json_date_timestamp_to_proto(json_date_timestamp)
Parse String -Timestamp Format found in Twitter json
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@staticmethod def json_date_timestamp_to_proto(json_date_timestamp): """Parse String -Timestamp Format found in Twitter json""" date_time_record = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(json_date_timestamp) protobuf_timestamp_record = Timestamp() # Convert to ProtoBuf Timestamp Recommendation protobuf_timestamp_record.FromDatetime(date_time_record) return protobuf_timestamp_record
def json_load_wrapper(gen, single: bool = None)
Wraps json load(s) and catches any error
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@staticmethod def json_load_wrapper(gen, single: bool = None): """Wraps json load(s) and catches any error""" if single is None: single = False try: if single: record = json.loads(gen) return record records = json.load(gen) return records except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: HelperFunctions._log_json_decodeerror(gen) except Exception as exc_general: HelperFunctions._log_unhandled_exception(exc_general)
def json_read_wrapper(gen)
Wraps json iterator and catches any error
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@staticmethod def json_read_wrapper(gen): """Wraps json iterator and catches any error""" while True: try: yield next(gen) except StopIteration: # no further items produced by the iterator raise except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: HelperFunctions._log_json_decodeerror(gen) except Exception as e: HelperFunctions._log_unhandled_exception(e)
def load_importer_mapping_module(origin: int, mappings_path: pathlib.Path = None)
Switch import module based on origin input 1 - Instagram, 2 - Flickr, 3 - Twitter, 4 - Facebook
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@staticmethod def load_importer_mapping_module(origin: int, mappings_path: Path = None): """Switch import module based on origin input 1 - Instagram, 2 - Flickr, 3 - Twitter, 4 - Facebook """ importer = HelperFunctions.dynamic_get_mapping_module( origin=origin, mappings_path=mappings_path ) return importer
def load_module(package: str, name: str)
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@staticmethod def load_module(package: str, name: str): name = f"{package}.{name}" __import__(name, fromlist=[""])
def log_main_debug(debug_text)
Issues a main debug log in case it is needed for static functions.
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@staticmethod def log_main_debug(debug_text): """Issues a main debug log in case it is needed for static functions. """ logging.getLogger("__main__").debug(debug_text)
def map_to_dict(proto_map)
Converts protobuf field map (ScalarMapContainer) to Dictionary
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@staticmethod def map_to_dict(proto_map): """Converts protobuf field map (ScalarMapContainer) to Dictionary""" if proto_map: mapped_dict = dict(zip(proto_map.keys(), proto_map.values())) return mapped_dict return {}
def new_lbsn_record_with_id(record, id, origin)
Initialize new lbsn record with composite ID
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@staticmethod def new_lbsn_record_with_id(record, id, origin): """Initialize new lbsn record with composite ID""" c_key = lbsn.CompositeKey() c_key.origin.CopyFrom(origin) = id record.pkey.CopyFrom(c_key) return record
def new_lbsn_relation_with_id(lbsn_relationship, relation_to_id, relation_from_id, relation_origin)
Initialize new lbsn relationship with 2 composite IDs for one origin
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@staticmethod def new_lbsn_relation_with_id( lbsn_relationship, relation_to_id, relation_from_id, relation_origin ): """Initialize new lbsn relationship with 2 composite IDs for one origin """ c_key_to = lbsn.CompositeKey() c_key_to.origin.CopyFrom(relation_origin) = relation_to_id c_key_from = lbsn.CompositeKey() c_key_from.origin.CopyFrom(relation_origin) = relation_from_id r_key = lbsn.RelationshipKey() r_key.relation_to.CopyFrom(c_key_to) r_key.relation_from.CopyFrom(c_key_from) lbsn_relationship.pkey.CopyFrom(r_key) return lbsn_relationship
def nltk_stopword_filter(term: str, nltk_avail=True, stopwords=['i', 'me', 'my', 'myself', 'we', 'our', 'ours', 'ourselves', 'you', "you're", "you've", "you'll", "you'd", 'your', 'yours', 'yourself', 'yourselves', 'he', 'him', 'his', 'himself', 'she', "she's", 'her', 'hers', 'herself', 'it', "it's", 'its', 'itself', 'they', 'them', 'their', 'theirs', 'themselves', 'what', 'which', 'who', 'whom', 'this', 'that', "that'll", 'these', 'those', 'am', 'is', 'are', 'was', 'were', 'be', 'been', 'being', 'have', 'has', 'had', 'having', 'do', 'does', 'did', 'doing', 'a', 'an', 'the', 'and', 'but', 'if', 'or', 'because', 'as', 'until', 'while', 'of', 'at', 'by', 'for', 'with', 'about', 'against', 'between', 'into', 'through', 'during', 'before', 'after', 'above', 'below', 'to', 'from', 'up', 'down', 'in', 'out', 'on', 'off', 'over', 'under', 'again', 'further', 'then', 'once', 'here', 'there', 'when', 'where', 'why', 'how', 'all', 'any', 'both', 'each', 'few', 'more', 'most', 'other', 'some', 'such', 'no', 'nor', 'not', 'only', 'own', 'same', 'so', 'than', 'too', 'very', 's', 't', 'can', 'will', 'just', 'don', "don't", 'should', "should've", 'now', 'd', 'll', 'm', 'o', 're', 've', 'y', 'ain', 'aren', "aren't", 'couldn', "couldn't", 'didn', "didn't", 'doesn', "doesn't", 'hadn', "hadn't", 'hasn', "hasn't", 'haven', "haven't", 'isn', "isn't", 'ma', 'mightn', "mightn't", 'mustn', "mustn't", 'needn', "needn't", 'shan', "shan't", 'shouldn', "shouldn't", 'wasn', "wasn't", 'weren', "weren't", 'won', "won't", 'wouldn', "wouldn't"]) ‑> bool
Filter term against nltk stopwords (english)
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@staticmethod def nltk_stopword_filter( term: str, nltk_avail=NLTK_AVAIL, stopwords=STOPWORDS ) -> bool: """Filter term against nltk stopwords (english)""" if nltk_avail is not None and stopwords is not None: if term in stopwords: return False return True
def null_check(record_attr)
Helper function to check for Null Values
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@staticmethod def null_check(record_attr): """Helper function to check for Null Values""" if not record_attr: # will catch empty and None return None # This function will also remove Null bytes from string, # which aren't supported by Postgres if isinstance(record_attr, str): record_attr = HelperFunctions.clean_null_bytes_from_str(record_attr) return record_attr
def null_check_datetime(record_attr)
Check if date is null or empty and replace with default value
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@staticmethod def null_check_datetime(record_attr): """Check if date is null or empty and replace with default value""" if not record_attr: # will catch empty and None return try: dt_attr = record_attr.ToDatetime() except: return if dt_attr == dt.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0): return None return record_attr.ToDatetime()
def null_geom_check(geom_attr)
Helper function to check for Null Values in geometry columns and replace with Null Island
Note: null_geom_check is only applied to geometry columns with NOT NULL Constraint
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@staticmethod def null_geom_check(geom_attr): """Helper function to check for Null Values in geometry columns and replace with Null Island Note: null_geom_check is only applied to geometry columns with NOT NULL Constraint """ if geom_attr is None or (isinstance(geom_attr, str) and geom_attr == ""): null_island = "POINT(0 0)" return null_island return geom_attr
def null_notice(x_value: int) ‑> str
Reporting: Suppresses null notice (for Null island) if value is zero.
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@staticmethod def null_notice(x_value: int) -> str: """Reporting: Suppresses null notice (for Null island) if value is zero. """ return f"(Null Island: {x_value})" if x_value > 0 else ""
def parse_csv_datestring_to_protobuf(csv_datestring, t_format=None)
Parse String -Timestamp Format found in Flickr csv
e.g. 2012-02-16 09:56:37.0
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@staticmethod def parse_csv_datestring_to_protobuf(csv_datestring, t_format=None): """Parse String -Timestamp Format found in Flickr csv e.g. 2012-02-16 09:56:37.0 """ if t_format is None: t_format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" try: date_time_record = dt.datetime.strptime(csv_datestring, t_format) except ValueError: return None return HelperFunctions.date_to_proto(date_time_record)
def parse_timestamp_string_to_protobuf(timestamp_string)
Parse from RFC 3339 date string to Timestamp.
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@staticmethod def parse_timestamp_string_to_protobuf(timestamp_string): """Parse from RFC 3339 date string to Timestamp.""" time_date = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(timestamp_string)) protobuf_timestamp_record = Timestamp() protobuf_timestamp_record.FromDatetime(time_date) return protobuf_timestamp_record
def reduce_ewkt_to_wkt(geom_ewkt: str) ‑> str
Hack to reduce extended WKT (eWKT) to WKT
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@staticmethod def reduce_ewkt_to_wkt(geom_ewkt: str) -> str: """Hack to reduce extended WKT (eWKT) to WKT""" geom_wkt = geom_ewkt.replace("SRID=4326;", "") return geom_wkt
def remove_hyperlinks(text_s)
Remove any hyperlinks from string (regex)
Note: - anything between xxx will be kept
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@staticmethod def remove_hyperlinks(text_s): """Remove any hyperlinks from string (regex) Note: - anything between <a>xxx</a> will be kept """ pattern = r"<(a|/a).*?>" result = re.sub(pattern, "", text_s) return result
def remove_prefix(text_str: str, prefix: str)
Remove prefix from string
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@staticmethod def remove_prefix(text_str: str, prefix: str): """Remove prefix from string""" if text_str.startswith(prefix): return text_str[len(prefix) :] return text_str
def report_stats(input_cnt, current_cnt, lbsn_records=None)
Format string for reporting stats.
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@staticmethod def report_stats(input_cnt, current_cnt, lbsn_records=None): """Format string for reporting stats.""" report_stats = ( f"{input_cnt} " f"input records read (up to " f"{current_cnt}). " f"{HelperFunctions.get_count_stats(lbsn_records)}" ) return report_stats
def return_ewkb_from_geotext(text)
Generates Geometry in Well-known-Text format from PostGis Format (e.g. 'POINT(0 0)') with SRID for WGS1984 (4326)
Note that: geos.WKBWriter.defaults['include_srid'] = True must be set (see
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@staticmethod def return_ewkb_from_geotext(text): """Generates Geometry in Well-known-Text format from PostGis Format (e.g. 'POINT(0 0)') with SRID for WGS1984 (4326) Note that: geos.WKBWriter.defaults['include_srid'] = True must be set (see """ if text is None: # keep Null geometries, e.g. for geom_area columns return None geom = wkt.loads(text) # Set SRID to WGS1984 geos.lgeos.GEOSSetSRID(geom._geom, 4326) geom = geom.wkb_hex return geom
def sanitize_string(str_text: str)
Sanitize text strings for postgres sql compatibility
- remove any NUL (0x00) characters
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@staticmethod def sanitize_string(str_text: str): """Sanitize text strings for postgres sql compatibility * remove any NUL (0x00) characters """ return str_text.replace("\x00", "")
def select_terms(text_s: str, selection_list: List[str] = None) ‑> Set[str]
Extract list of words from sentence and return filtered version
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@staticmethod def select_terms(text_s: str, selection_list: List[str] = None) -> Set[str]: """Extract list of words from sentence and return filtered version""" # first remove hyperlinks text_s = HelperFunctions.remove_hyperlinks(text_s) # remove problematic characters from string text_s = HelperFunctions.sanitize_string(text_s) # remove punctuation text_s = text_s.translate(str.maketrans("", "", string.punctuation)) # split string by space character into list querywords = text_s.split() resultwords = HelperFunctions.filter_terms(querywords, selection_list) return resultwords
def set_logger()
Set logging handler manually, so we can also print to console while logging to file
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@staticmethod def set_logger(): """Set logging handler manually, so we can also print to console while logging to file """ logging.basicConfig( handlers=[logging.FileHandler("log.log", "w", "utf-8")], format="%(asctime)s,%(msecs)d %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s", datefmt="%H:%M:%S", level=logging.DEBUG, ) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Get Stream handler logging.getLogger().addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) return log
def stringdate_to_proto(dt_string) ‑> Optional[google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp]
Stringdate to proto, e.g. 2019-10-02T18:34:24
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@staticmethod def stringdate_to_proto(dt_string) -> Optional[Timestamp]: """Stringdate to proto, e.g. 2019-10-02T18:34:24""" protobuf_timestamp_record = Timestamp() protobuf_timestamp_record.FromJsonString(dt_string) return protobuf_timestamp_record
def substitute_referenced_user(main_post, origin, log)
Look for mentioned userRecords
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@staticmethod def substitute_referenced_user(main_post, origin, log): """Look for mentioned userRecords""" ref_user_pkey = None user_mentions_json = main_post.get("entities").get("user_mentions") if user_mentions_json: ref_user_records = HelperFunctions.get_mentioned_users( user_mentions_json, origin ) # if it is a retweet, and the status contains 'RT @', # and the mentioned UserID is also in the status, # we can almost be completely certain that it is the userid who # posted the original tweet that was retweeted if ( ref_user_records and ref_user_records[0].user_name.lower() in main_post.get("text").lower() and main_post.get("text").startswith("RT @") ): ref_user_pkey = ref_user_records[0].pkey if ref_user_pkey is None: log.warning( f"No lbsn.User record found for referenced post in: " f"{main_post}" ) input( "Press Enter to continue... " "(post will be saved without userid)" ) return ref_user_pkey
def turn_lower(text_str)
Returns lower but keeps none values
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@staticmethod def turn_lower(text_str): """Returns lower but keeps none values""" if text_str: return text_str.lower() return text_str
def utc_to_local(utc_dt)
Convert utc to local time
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@staticmethod def utc_to_local(utc_dt): """Convert utc to local time""" return utc_dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).astimezone(tz=None)
def value_count(value_x: str)
Turn none values into 0, otherwise return value
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@staticmethod def value_count(value_x: str): """Turn none values into 0, otherwise return value""" if value_x is None: return 0 if isinstance(value_x, int): return value_x return int(value_x) if value_x.isdigit() else 0