Module lbsntransform.output.hll.hll_functions

Collection of functions used in hll transformation

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Collection of functions used in hll transformation

import datetime as dt
from typing import Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

import psycopg2

import lbsnstructure as lbsn
from import HelperFunctions as HF

class HLLFunctions:
    """Collection of functions used in hll transformation"""

    def merge_hll_tuples(
        base_tuples: List[Tuple[Union[str, int], ...]],
        hll_tuples: List[Tuple[Union[str, int], ...]],
    ) -> Generator[Tuple[Union[int, str], ...], None, None]:
        """Merges two lists of tuples,
        whereby only the third part of hll_tuples (the hll shard)
        is appended. The first part of base_tuples is used to collect hll
        shards per base"""
        # assign start values
        hll_baseidx_before = hll_tuples[0]
        merged_shard_batch = (hll_baseidx_before[2],)
        ix_before = hll_baseidx_before[0]
        # start from second element
        for hll_tup in hll_tuples[1:]:
            hll_shard = hll_tup[2]
            ix = hll_tup[0]
            if ix == ix_before:
                # if base is unchanged (and not the last hll_tuple),
                # concat hll shards per base into one tuple
                merged_shard_batch += (hll_shard,)
                ix_before = ix
                # continue with next shard
            # else: if base changed,
            # append hll_shards to base record
            merged_base_hll_tuple = base_tuples[ix_before] + merged_shard_batch
            merged_shard_batch = (hll_shard,)
            ix_before = ix
            # return merged record + hll tuple
            # and continue iteration
            yield merged_base_hll_tuple
        # final return of last item
        yield base_tuples[ix] + merged_shard_batch

    def concat_base_shards(
        records: List[Tuple[Union[str, int], ...]],
        hll_shards: List[Tuple[Union[str, int], ...]],
    ) -> List[Tuple[Union[int, str], ...]]:
        """Concat records with list of hll_shards

        For ease of calculation, hll_shards are reduced to
        a onedimensional list. Here, shards are assigned back to
        records using record base keys
        merged_records = [
            for merged_tuple in HLLFunctions.merge_hll_tuples(records, hll_shards)
        # if this ever evaluates to false
        # something went fundamentally wrong:
        # abort processing
        assert len(records) == len(merged_records)
        return merged_records

    def make_shard_sql(values_str: str) -> str:
        """SQL to calculate HLL Shards from sets of items

        Example values_str:
        ('2011-01-01'::date, 'user_hll', '2:4399297324604'),
        insert_sql = f"""
            FROM (
            VALUES {values_str}
            ) s(base_id, metric_id, item_value)
            GROUP BY base_id, metric_id
            ORDER BY base_id, metric_id
        return insert_sql

    def calculate_item_shards(
        hllworker_cursor, values_str: str
    ) -> List[Tuple[int, str, str]]:
        """Calculates shards from batched hll_items
        using hll_worker connection
        tsuccessful = False
        shard_sql = HLLFunctions.make_shard_sql(values_str)
        while not tsuccessful:
            except psycopg2.OperationalError:
                    "Server closed the connection unexpectedly. Check "
                    "if your postgres server has enough memory available. "
                    "Will repeat execution once after input.."
                tsuccessful = True
                tsuccessful = True
        hll_shards = hllworker_cursor.fetchall()
        return hll_shards

    def concat_base_metric_item(
        base_key: int, hll_items: Dict[str, set]
    ) -> List[Tuple[int, int, str]]:
        """Concat hll item to (base_key, metric_key, item) tuple
        Note that only ids (0, 1, 2..), not the true keys are used
        for base_key and metric_key,
        following the separation of concerns principle
        tuple_list = []
        for metric_ix, item_set in enumerate(hll_items.values()):
            if not item_set:
                tuple_list.append((base_key, metric_ix, None))
                for item in item_set:
                    tuple_list.append((base_key, metric_ix, item))
        return tuple_list

    def hll_concat_origin_guid(record) -> str:
        """Concat origin and pkey (guid) to string"""
        origin_guid = HLLFunctions.hll_concat(
        return origin_guid

    def hll_concat_user(record: lbsn.Post) -> str:
        """Concat origin and user pkey (guid) to string"""
        user_hll = HLLFunctions.hll_concat(
        return user_hll

    def hll_concat_date(record: lbsn.Post) -> str:
        """Merge create and publish date and concat to string"""
        date_merged = HLLFunctions.merge_dates_post(record)
        if date_merged is None:
        date_formatted = date_merged.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        return date_formatted

    def hll_concat_userday(record: lbsn.Post) -> str:
        """Merge date and user pkey (guid) for measuring user days"""
        date_merged = HLLFunctions.hll_concat_date(record)
        user_merged = HLLFunctions.hll_concat_user(record)
        pud_hll = HLLFunctions.hll_concat([user_merged, date_merged])
        return pud_hll

    def hll_concat_yearmonth(record: lbsn.Post) -> str:
        """Concat year and month of post date to string"""
        date_merged = HLLFunctions.merge_dates_post(record)
        date_formatted = date_merged.strftime("%Y-%m")
        return date_formatted

    def hll_concat_latlng(record: lbsn.Post) -> str:
        """Concat post lat lng coordinates to string"""
        if record.post_geoaccuracy == "latlng":
            coordinates_geom = HF.null_check(record.post_latlng)
            coordinates = HF.get_coordinates_from_ewkt(coordinates_geom)
            return f"{}:{coordinates.lng}"
        return "0:0"

    def hll_concat_place(record: lbsn.Post) -> str:
        """Concat origin and post place guid to string"""
        if record.post_geoaccuracy == "place":
            return HLLFunctions.hll_concat(
        return None

    def hll_concat_upt_hll(record: lbsn.Post) -> List[str]:
        """Concat all post terms (body, title, hashtags) and return list"""
        body_terms = HF.select_terms(record.post_body)
        title_terms = HF.select_terms(record.post_title)
        tag_terms = {item.lower() for item in record.hashtags if len(item) > 2}
        all_post_terms = set.union(body_terms, title_terms, tag_terms)
        user_hll = HLLFunctions.hll_concat_user(record)
        upt_hll = HLLFunctions.hll_concat_user_terms(user_hll, all_post_terms)
        return upt_hll

    def hll_concat_user_terms(user: str, terms: List[str]) -> Set[str]:
        """Concat user and list of terms to set of unique user:terms"""
        concat_user_terms = set()
        for term in terms:
            concat_user_terms.add(":".join([user, term]))
        return concat_user_terms

    def hll_concat(record_attr: List[Union[str, int]]) -> str:
        """Concat record attributes using colon"""
        return ":".join(map(str, record_attr))

    def merge_dates_post(record: lbsn.Post = None) -> Optional[dt.datetime]:
        """Merge post_publish and post_created attributes"""
        post_create_date = HF.null_check_datetime(record.post_create_date)
        post_publish_date = HF.null_check_datetime(record.post_publish_date)
        if post_create_date is None:
            return post_publish_date
        return post_create_date


class HLLFunctions

Collection of functions used in hll transformation

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class HLLFunctions:
    """Collection of functions used in hll transformation"""

    def merge_hll_tuples(
        base_tuples: List[Tuple[Union[str, int], ...]],
        hll_tuples: List[Tuple[Union[str, int], ...]],
    ) -> Generator[Tuple[Union[int, str], ...], None, None]:
        """Merges two lists of tuples,
        whereby only the third part of hll_tuples (the hll shard)
        is appended. The first part of base_tuples is used to collect hll
        shards per base"""
        # assign start values
        hll_baseidx_before = hll_tuples[0]
        merged_shard_batch = (hll_baseidx_before[2],)
        ix_before = hll_baseidx_before[0]
        # start from second element
        for hll_tup in hll_tuples[1:]:
            hll_shard = hll_tup[2]
            ix = hll_tup[0]
            if ix == ix_before:
                # if base is unchanged (and not the last hll_tuple),
                # concat hll shards per base into one tuple
                merged_shard_batch += (hll_shard,)
                ix_before = ix
                # continue with next shard
            # else: if base changed,
            # append hll_shards to base record
            merged_base_hll_tuple = base_tuples[ix_before] + merged_shard_batch
            merged_shard_batch = (hll_shard,)
            ix_before = ix
            # return merged record + hll tuple
            # and continue iteration
            yield merged_base_hll_tuple
        # final return of last item
        yield base_tuples[ix] + merged_shard_batch

    def concat_base_shards(
        records: List[Tuple[Union[str, int], ...]],
        hll_shards: List[Tuple[Union[str, int], ...]],
    ) -> List[Tuple[Union[int, str], ...]]:
        """Concat records with list of hll_shards

        For ease of calculation, hll_shards are reduced to
        a onedimensional list. Here, shards are assigned back to
        records using record base keys
        merged_records = [
            for merged_tuple in HLLFunctions.merge_hll_tuples(records, hll_shards)
        # if this ever evaluates to false
        # something went fundamentally wrong:
        # abort processing
        assert len(records) == len(merged_records)
        return merged_records

    def make_shard_sql(values_str: str) -> str:
        """SQL to calculate HLL Shards from sets of items

        Example values_str:
        ('2011-01-01'::date, 'user_hll', '2:4399297324604'),
        insert_sql = f"""
            FROM (
            VALUES {values_str}
            ) s(base_id, metric_id, item_value)
            GROUP BY base_id, metric_id
            ORDER BY base_id, metric_id
        return insert_sql

    def calculate_item_shards(
        hllworker_cursor, values_str: str
    ) -> List[Tuple[int, str, str]]:
        """Calculates shards from batched hll_items
        using hll_worker connection
        tsuccessful = False
        shard_sql = HLLFunctions.make_shard_sql(values_str)
        while not tsuccessful:
            except psycopg2.OperationalError:
                    "Server closed the connection unexpectedly. Check "
                    "if your postgres server has enough memory available. "
                    "Will repeat execution once after input.."
                tsuccessful = True
                tsuccessful = True
        hll_shards = hllworker_cursor.fetchall()
        return hll_shards

    def concat_base_metric_item(
        base_key: int, hll_items: Dict[str, set]
    ) -> List[Tuple[int, int, str]]:
        """Concat hll item to (base_key, metric_key, item) tuple
        Note that only ids (0, 1, 2..), not the true keys are used
        for base_key and metric_key,
        following the separation of concerns principle
        tuple_list = []
        for metric_ix, item_set in enumerate(hll_items.values()):
            if not item_set:
                tuple_list.append((base_key, metric_ix, None))
                for item in item_set:
                    tuple_list.append((base_key, metric_ix, item))
        return tuple_list

    def hll_concat_origin_guid(record) -> str:
        """Concat origin and pkey (guid) to string"""
        origin_guid = HLLFunctions.hll_concat(
        return origin_guid

    def hll_concat_user(record: lbsn.Post) -> str:
        """Concat origin and user pkey (guid) to string"""
        user_hll = HLLFunctions.hll_concat(
        return user_hll

    def hll_concat_date(record: lbsn.Post) -> str:
        """Merge create and publish date and concat to string"""
        date_merged = HLLFunctions.merge_dates_post(record)
        if date_merged is None:
        date_formatted = date_merged.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        return date_formatted

    def hll_concat_userday(record: lbsn.Post) -> str:
        """Merge date and user pkey (guid) for measuring user days"""
        date_merged = HLLFunctions.hll_concat_date(record)
        user_merged = HLLFunctions.hll_concat_user(record)
        pud_hll = HLLFunctions.hll_concat([user_merged, date_merged])
        return pud_hll

    def hll_concat_yearmonth(record: lbsn.Post) -> str:
        """Concat year and month of post date to string"""
        date_merged = HLLFunctions.merge_dates_post(record)
        date_formatted = date_merged.strftime("%Y-%m")
        return date_formatted

    def hll_concat_latlng(record: lbsn.Post) -> str:
        """Concat post lat lng coordinates to string"""
        if record.post_geoaccuracy == "latlng":
            coordinates_geom = HF.null_check(record.post_latlng)
            coordinates = HF.get_coordinates_from_ewkt(coordinates_geom)
            return f"{}:{coordinates.lng}"
        return "0:0"

    def hll_concat_place(record: lbsn.Post) -> str:
        """Concat origin and post place guid to string"""
        if record.post_geoaccuracy == "place":
            return HLLFunctions.hll_concat(
        return None

    def hll_concat_upt_hll(record: lbsn.Post) -> List[str]:
        """Concat all post terms (body, title, hashtags) and return list"""
        body_terms = HF.select_terms(record.post_body)
        title_terms = HF.select_terms(record.post_title)
        tag_terms = {item.lower() for item in record.hashtags if len(item) > 2}
        all_post_terms = set.union(body_terms, title_terms, tag_terms)
        user_hll = HLLFunctions.hll_concat_user(record)
        upt_hll = HLLFunctions.hll_concat_user_terms(user_hll, all_post_terms)
        return upt_hll

    def hll_concat_user_terms(user: str, terms: List[str]) -> Set[str]:
        """Concat user and list of terms to set of unique user:terms"""
        concat_user_terms = set()
        for term in terms:
            concat_user_terms.add(":".join([user, term]))
        return concat_user_terms

    def hll_concat(record_attr: List[Union[str, int]]) -> str:
        """Concat record attributes using colon"""
        return ":".join(map(str, record_attr))

    def merge_dates_post(record: lbsn.Post = None) -> Optional[dt.datetime]:
        """Merge post_publish and post_created attributes"""
        post_create_date = HF.null_check_datetime(record.post_create_date)
        post_publish_date = HF.null_check_datetime(record.post_publish_date)
        if post_create_date is None:
            return post_publish_date
        return post_create_date

Static methods

def calculate_item_shards(hllworker_cursor, values_str: str) ‑> List[Tuple[int, str, str]]

Calculates shards from batched hll_items using hll_worker connection

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def calculate_item_shards(
    hllworker_cursor, values_str: str
) -> List[Tuple[int, str, str]]:
    """Calculates shards from batched hll_items
    using hll_worker connection
    tsuccessful = False
    shard_sql = HLLFunctions.make_shard_sql(values_str)
    while not tsuccessful:
        except psycopg2.OperationalError:
                "Server closed the connection unexpectedly. Check "
                "if your postgres server has enough memory available. "
                "Will repeat execution once after input.."
            tsuccessful = True
            tsuccessful = True
    hll_shards = hllworker_cursor.fetchall()
    return hll_shards
def concat_base_metric_item(base_key: int, hll_items: Dict[str, set]) ‑> List[Tuple[int, int, str]]

Concat hll item to (base_key, metric_key, item) tuple Note that only ids (0, 1, 2..), not the true keys are used for base_key and metric_key, following the separation of concerns principle

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def concat_base_metric_item(
    base_key: int, hll_items: Dict[str, set]
) -> List[Tuple[int, int, str]]:
    """Concat hll item to (base_key, metric_key, item) tuple
    Note that only ids (0, 1, 2..), not the true keys are used
    for base_key and metric_key,
    following the separation of concerns principle
    tuple_list = []
    for metric_ix, item_set in enumerate(hll_items.values()):
        if not item_set:
            tuple_list.append((base_key, metric_ix, None))
            for item in item_set:
                tuple_list.append((base_key, metric_ix, item))
    return tuple_list
def concat_base_shards(records: List[Tuple[Union[str, int], ...]], hll_shards: List[Tuple[Union[str, int], ...]]) ‑> List[Tuple[Union[str, int], ...]]

Concat records with list of hll_shards

For ease of calculation, hll_shards are reduced to a onedimensional list. Here, shards are assigned back to records using record base keys

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def concat_base_shards(
    records: List[Tuple[Union[str, int], ...]],
    hll_shards: List[Tuple[Union[str, int], ...]],
) -> List[Tuple[Union[int, str], ...]]:
    """Concat records with list of hll_shards

    For ease of calculation, hll_shards are reduced to
    a onedimensional list. Here, shards are assigned back to
    records using record base keys
    merged_records = [
        for merged_tuple in HLLFunctions.merge_hll_tuples(records, hll_shards)
    # if this ever evaluates to false
    # something went fundamentally wrong:
    # abort processing
    assert len(records) == len(merged_records)
    return merged_records
def hll_concat(record_attr: List[Union[str, int]]) ‑> str

Concat record attributes using colon

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def hll_concat(record_attr: List[Union[str, int]]) -> str:
    """Concat record attributes using colon"""
    return ":".join(map(str, record_attr))
def hll_concat_date(record: lbsnstructure.topical_pb2.Post) ‑> str

Merge create and publish date and concat to string

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def hll_concat_date(record: lbsn.Post) -> str:
    """Merge create and publish date and concat to string"""
    date_merged = HLLFunctions.merge_dates_post(record)
    if date_merged is None:
    date_formatted = date_merged.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    return date_formatted
def hll_concat_latlng(record: lbsnstructure.topical_pb2.Post) ‑> str

Concat post lat lng coordinates to string

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def hll_concat_latlng(record: lbsn.Post) -> str:
    """Concat post lat lng coordinates to string"""
    if record.post_geoaccuracy == "latlng":
        coordinates_geom = HF.null_check(record.post_latlng)
        coordinates = HF.get_coordinates_from_ewkt(coordinates_geom)
        return f"{}:{coordinates.lng}"
    return "0:0"
def hll_concat_origin_guid(record) ‑> str

Concat origin and pkey (guid) to string

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def hll_concat_origin_guid(record) -> str:
    """Concat origin and pkey (guid) to string"""
    origin_guid = HLLFunctions.hll_concat(
    return origin_guid
def hll_concat_place(record: lbsnstructure.topical_pb2.Post) ‑> str

Concat origin and post place guid to string

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def hll_concat_place(record: lbsn.Post) -> str:
    """Concat origin and post place guid to string"""
    if record.post_geoaccuracy == "place":
        return HLLFunctions.hll_concat(
    return None
def hll_concat_upt_hll(record: lbsnstructure.topical_pb2.Post) ‑> List[str]

Concat all post terms (body, title, hashtags) and return list

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def hll_concat_upt_hll(record: lbsn.Post) -> List[str]:
    """Concat all post terms (body, title, hashtags) and return list"""
    body_terms = HF.select_terms(record.post_body)
    title_terms = HF.select_terms(record.post_title)
    tag_terms = {item.lower() for item in record.hashtags if len(item) > 2}
    all_post_terms = set.union(body_terms, title_terms, tag_terms)
    user_hll = HLLFunctions.hll_concat_user(record)
    upt_hll = HLLFunctions.hll_concat_user_terms(user_hll, all_post_terms)
    return upt_hll
def hll_concat_user(record: lbsnstructure.topical_pb2.Post) ‑> str

Concat origin and user pkey (guid) to string

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def hll_concat_user(record: lbsn.Post) -> str:
    """Concat origin and user pkey (guid) to string"""
    user_hll = HLLFunctions.hll_concat(
    return user_hll
def hll_concat_user_terms(user: str, terms: List[str]) ‑> Set[str]

Concat user and list of terms to set of unique user:terms

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def hll_concat_user_terms(user: str, terms: List[str]) -> Set[str]:
    """Concat user and list of terms to set of unique user:terms"""
    concat_user_terms = set()
    for term in terms:
        concat_user_terms.add(":".join([user, term]))
    return concat_user_terms
def hll_concat_userday(record: lbsnstructure.topical_pb2.Post) ‑> str

Merge date and user pkey (guid) for measuring user days

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def hll_concat_userday(record: lbsn.Post) -> str:
    """Merge date and user pkey (guid) for measuring user days"""
    date_merged = HLLFunctions.hll_concat_date(record)
    user_merged = HLLFunctions.hll_concat_user(record)
    pud_hll = HLLFunctions.hll_concat([user_merged, date_merged])
    return pud_hll
def hll_concat_yearmonth(record: lbsnstructure.topical_pb2.Post) ‑> str

Concat year and month of post date to string

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def hll_concat_yearmonth(record: lbsn.Post) -> str:
    """Concat year and month of post date to string"""
    date_merged = HLLFunctions.merge_dates_post(record)
    date_formatted = date_merged.strftime("%Y-%m")
    return date_formatted
def make_shard_sql(values_str: str) ‑> str

SQL to calculate HLL Shards from sets of items

Example values_str: ('2011-01-01'::date, 'user_hll', '2:4399297324604'),

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def make_shard_sql(values_str: str) -> str:
    """SQL to calculate HLL Shards from sets of items

    Example values_str:
    ('2011-01-01'::date, 'user_hll', '2:4399297324604'),
    insert_sql = f"""
        FROM (
        VALUES {values_str}
        ) s(base_id, metric_id, item_value)
        GROUP BY base_id, metric_id
        ORDER BY base_id, metric_id
    return insert_sql
def merge_dates_post(record: lbsnstructure.topical_pb2.Post = None) ‑> Optional[datetime.datetime]

Merge post_publish and post_created attributes

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def merge_dates_post(record: lbsn.Post = None) -> Optional[dt.datetime]:
    """Merge post_publish and post_created attributes"""
    post_create_date = HF.null_check_datetime(record.post_create_date)
    post_publish_date = HF.null_check_datetime(record.post_publish_date)
    if post_create_date is None:
        return post_publish_date
    return post_create_date
def merge_hll_tuples(base_tuples: List[Tuple[Union[str, int], ...]], hll_tuples: List[Tuple[Union[str, int], ...]]) ‑> Generator[Tuple[Union[str, int], ...], None, None]

Merges two lists of tuples, whereby only the third part of hll_tuples (the hll shard) is appended. The first part of base_tuples is used to collect hll shards per base

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def merge_hll_tuples(
    base_tuples: List[Tuple[Union[str, int], ...]],
    hll_tuples: List[Tuple[Union[str, int], ...]],
) -> Generator[Tuple[Union[int, str], ...], None, None]:
    """Merges two lists of tuples,
    whereby only the third part of hll_tuples (the hll shard)
    is appended. The first part of base_tuples is used to collect hll
    shards per base"""
    # assign start values
    hll_baseidx_before = hll_tuples[0]
    merged_shard_batch = (hll_baseidx_before[2],)
    ix_before = hll_baseidx_before[0]
    # start from second element
    for hll_tup in hll_tuples[1:]:
        hll_shard = hll_tup[2]
        ix = hll_tup[0]
        if ix == ix_before:
            # if base is unchanged (and not the last hll_tuple),
            # concat hll shards per base into one tuple
            merged_shard_batch += (hll_shard,)
            ix_before = ix
            # continue with next shard
        # else: if base changed,
        # append hll_shards to base record
        merged_base_hll_tuple = base_tuples[ix_before] + merged_shard_batch
        merged_shard_batch = (hll_shard,)
        ix_before = ix
        # return merged record + hll tuple
        # and continue iteration
        yield merged_base_hll_tuple
    # final return of last item
    yield base_tuples[ix] + merged_shard_batch