Module lbsntransform.config.config
Config module for parsing input args for lbsntransform package.
Expand source code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Config module for parsing input args for lbsntransform package.
# pylint: disable=no-member
import argparse
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Tuple
from shapely import geos
import lbsnstructure as lbsn
from lbsntransform import __version__
class BaseConfig:
"""Base config class for handling typical input params"""
def __init__(self):
"""Set Default Config options here
- or define options as input args
self.origin = 0
self.is_local_input = False
self.local_file_type = 'json'
self.input_path = None
self.is_stacked_json = False
self.is_line_separated_json = False
self.dbuser_input = 'example-user-name'
self.dbpassword_input = 'example-user-password'
self.dbserveraddress_input = ''
self.dbserverport_input = 5432
self.dbformat_input = 'json'
self.dbname_input = 'test_db2'
self.dbname_hllworker = None
self.dbuser_hllworker = None
self.dbpassword_hllworker = None
self.dbserveraddress_hllworker = None
self.dbserverport_hllworker = 5432
self.dbname_hllworker = None
self.dbuser_output = None
self.dbformat_output = 'lbsn'
self.dbpassword_output = None
self.dbserveraddress_output = None
self.dbserverport_output = 5432
self.dbname_output = None
self.transferlimit = None
self.transfer_count = 50000
self.number_of_records_to_fetch = 10000
self.transfer_reactions = True
self.disable_reactionpost_ref = False
self.ignore_non_geotagged = False
self.startwith_db_rownumber = None
self.endwith_db_rownumber = None
self.debug_mode = 'INFO'
self.geocode_locations = False
self.ignore_input_source_list = False
self.input_lbsn_type = None
self.map_relations = False
self.csv_output = False
self.csv_suppress_linebreaks = True
self.csv_delim = None
self.use_csv_dictreader = None
self.recursive_load = False
self.skip_until_file = None
self.min_geoaccuracy = None
self.logging_level = logging.INFO
self.source_web = False
self.skip_until_record = None
self.zip_records = None
self.include_lbsn_objects = []
self.include_lbsn_bases = None
self.override_lbsn_query_schema = None
self.mappings_path = None
self.dry_run = None
self.hmac_key = None
self.commit_volume = None
def get_arg_parser(
parser: argparse.ArgumentParser = None) -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
"""Define lbsntransform cli arguments
parser: Optional parser with extended arguments. This
can be used to include lbsntransform in another package.
Note: All args are optional, but some groups need to be defined
Important: These settings are used to generate the command line docs [1].
if parser is None:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
'-o', "--origin",
help='Input source type (id). '
' '
' '
'* Defaults to `0`: LBSN '
' '
'Other possible values: '
'* `1` - Instagram '
'* `2` - Flickr '
'* `21` - Flickr YFCC100M '
'* `3` - Twitter ',
help='Perform a trial run '
' '
'with no changes made '
'to database/output')
# Local Input
local_input_args = parser.add_argument_group('Local Input')
'-l', "--file_input",
help='This flag enables file input '
' '
'(instead of reading data from a database). '
' '
' '
'* To specify which files to process, see '
'parameter `--input_path_url`. '
'* To specify file types, e.g. whether to '
'process data from `json` '
'or `csv`, or from URLs, '
' see `--file_type` ')
help='Specify filetype '
' '
' (`json`, `csv` etc.) '
' '
' '
'* only applies if `--file_input` is used. ',
help='Path to input folder. '
' '
'* If not provided, subfolder `./01_Input/` '
' will be used. '
'* You can also provide a web-url, '
'starting with `http(s)` '
'* URLs will be accessed using '
'`requests.get(url, stream=True)`. '
'* To separate multiple urls, use '
'semicolon (`;`). In this case, see also '
'`--zip_records`. ',
help='Input is stacked json. '
' '
' '
'* The typical form of json is '
'`[{json1},{json2}]` '
'* If `--is_stacked_json` is set, '
'it will process stacked jsons in the form '
'of `{json1}{json2}` (no comma) ')
help='Json is line separated '
' '
' '
'* The typical form is '
'`[{json1},{json2}]` '
'* If `--is_line_separated_json` is set, '
'it will process stacked jsons in the form '
'of `{json1}\n{json2}` (with linebreak) '
'* Unix style linebreaks (CR) will be used '
'across platforms '
'* Windows users, use (e.g.) notepad++ to '
'convert from Windows style linebreaks (CRLF) ')
# HLL Worker
hllworker_args = parser.add_argument_group('HLL Worker')
help='Password for hllworker db '
' '
' '
'* If reading data into `hlldb`, all '
'HLL Worker parameters must be supplied by'
'default. '
'* You can substitute hlldb parameters here '
'* In this case, lbsntransform will use '
'hlldb to convert and union hll sets '
'_and_ to store output results '
'* Currently, this re-use of hlldb requires '
'to supply the same set of parameters twice '
'* For separation of concerns, it is recommended '
'to use a separate HLL Worker database ',
help='Username for hllworker db.',
help='IP for hllworker db '
' '
' '
'* e.g. `` '
'* Optionally add '
'port the to use, e.g. ``. '
'* `5432` is the default port ',
help='DB name for hllworker db '
' '
' '
'* e.g. `hllworkerdb` ',
# DB Output
dboutput_args = parser.add_argument_group(
'DB Output')
'-p', "--dbpassword_output",
help='Password for out-db '
' '
'(postgres raw/hll db)',
'-u', "--dbuser_output",
help='Username for out-db. '
' '
'Default: `example-user-name2`',
'-a', "--dbserveraddress_output",
help='IP for output db, '
' '
' '
'* e.g. `` '
'* Optionally add '
'port to use, e.g. ``. '
'* `5432` is the default port ',
'-n', "--dbname_output",
help='DB name for output db '
' '
' '
'* e.g. `rawdb` or `hlldb` ',
help='Format of the out-db. '
' '
' '
'* Either `hll` or `lbsn`. '
'* This setting '
'affects how data is stored, either '
'in anonymized and aggregate form (`hll`), or in '
'the [lbsn raw structure]( '
'(`lbsn`). ',
# DB Input
dbinput_args = parser.add_argument_group(
'DB Input')
help='Password for input-db',
help='Username for input-db.',
help='IP for input-db, '
' '
' '
'* e.g. `` '
'* Optionally add port to use, e.g. '
'``. '
'* `5432` is the default port ',
help='DB name for input-db, '
' '
' '
'* e.g.: `rawdb` ',
help='Format of the input-db. '
' '
' '
'* Either `lbsn` or `json` '
'* If lbsn is used, the native lbsn raw '
'input mapping (`0`) will be used '
'* If `json` is used, a custom mapping for '
'json must be provided, for mapping database '
'json\'s to the lbsn structure. See '
'[input mappings]( ',
# Additional args
settings_args = parser.add_argument_group(
'Additional settings')
'-t', "--transferlimit",
help='Abort after x records. '
' '
' '
'* This can be used to limit the number of '
'records that will be processed. '
'* e.g. `--transferlimit 10000` will process '
'the first 10000 input records '
'* Defaults to None (= process all) '
'* Note that one input record can map to '
'many output records. This number applies to '
'the number of input records, not the output count. ',
help='Transfer batch limit x. '
' '
' '
'* Defines after how many '
'parsed records the results will be '
'transferred to the DB. '
'* Defaults to 50000 '
'* If you have a slow server, but a fast machine, larger values '
'improve speed because duplicate '
'check happens in Python, and not in '
'Postgres coalesce; '
'* However, larger values require '
'more local memory. If you have a fast server, but a slow machine, '
'try if a smaller batch `--transfer_count` (e.g. 5000) improves speed. '
' '
' '
'!!! note '
' Use `--transferlimit` to limit the '
' total number of records transferred. `--transfer_count` '
' instead defines the _batch_ count that is used to transfer '
' data incrementally. ',
help='After x commit_volume, changes (transactions) will be written to '
'the output database (a '
'[Postgres COMMIT]( '
' '
' '
'Note that updated entries in the output database are only written '
'from the WAL buffer after a commit. '
' '
' '
'* Default for rawdb: 10000 '
'* Default for hlldb: 100000 '
' '
' '
'!!! warning '
' If you have concurrent writes to the DB (e.g. multiple '
' lbsntransform processes) and if you see transaction deadlocks, '
' reduce the commit_volume. ',
help='Fetch x records /batch. '
' '
' '
'* If retrieving data from a db (`lbsn`), '
'limit the number of records to fetch at once. '
'* Defaults to 10000 ',
help='Disable reactions. '
' '
' '
'* If set, processing of lbsn reactions will be skipped, '
'* only original posts are transferred. '
'* This is usefull to reduce '
'processing and data footprint for some service data, '
'e.g. for Twitter, with a large '
'number of reactions containing little original content. ')
help='Disable reactions-refs. '
' '
' '
'Enable this option in args '
'to prevent empty posts being stored '
'due to Foreign-Key-Exists Requirement. '
' '
'Possible parameters: '
'* `0` = Save Original Tweets of Retweets as `posts`; '
'* `1` = do not store Original Tweets of Retweets; '
'* `2` = !Not implemented: Store Original Tweets of Retweets as '
'`post_reactions` ')
help='Ignore none-geotagged. '
' '
' '
'If set, posts that are not geotagged '
'are ignored during processing.')
help='Start with db row x. '
' '
' '
'If transferring from a databse (input), this flag can be used to '
'resume processing (e.g.) '
'if a transfer has been aborted. '
' '
' '
'* Provide a number (row-id) to start '
'processing from live db. '
'* If input db type '
'is `lbsn`, this is the primary key, without the `origin_id`, '
'(e.g. the `post_guid`, `place_guid` etc.). '
'* This flag will only work if processing a '
'single lbsn object (e.g. `--include_lbsn_objects "post"`). '
' '
'Example: '
'`--startwith_db_rownumber "123456789"` '
'will lead to the first batch-query from the DB looking like this: '
'SELECT * FROM topical."post" '
'WHERE post_guid > \'123456789\' '
'ORDER BY post_guid ASC '
'LIMIT 10000; '
' '
' ',
help='End with db row x. '
' '
' '
'Provide a number (row-id) to end '
'processing from live db', type=int)
help='Enable debug mode.',
help='Path to loc-geocodes. '
' '
' '
'* Provide path to a CSV file with '
'location geocodes '
'* CSV Header must be: '
'`lat, lng, name`). '
'* This can be used in mappings to assign '
'coordinates (lat, lng) '
'to use provided locations as text ',
help='Path to input ignore. '
' '
' '
'Provide a path to a list of input_source '
'types that will be ignored (e.g. to '
'ignore certain bots etc.)',
help='Path mappings folder. '
' '
' '
'Provide a path to a custom folder '
'that contains '
'one or more input mapping modules (`*.py`). '
' '
' '
'* Have a look at the two sample mappings '
'in [the resources folder]( '
'* See how to define custom input mappings '
'in the [docs]( ',
help='Input sub-type '
' '
' '
'* e.g. `post`, `profile`, '
'`friendslist`, `followerslist` etc. '
'* This can be used to select an appropiate '
'mapping procedure in a single mapping module. ',
help='Map full relations. '
' '
' '
'Set to true to map full relations, '
'e.g. many-to-many relationships, '
'such as `user_follows`, '
'`user_friend`, or `user_mentions` etc. are '
'mapped in a separate table. '
'Defaults to False.')
help='Store to local CSV. '
' '
' '
'If set, will store all '
'submit values to local CSV instead. '
'Currently, this type of output is not available.')
help=repr('Disable linebreak-rem. '
' '
' '
'If set, will not '
'remove intext-linebreaks (`\r` or `\n`) '
'in output CSVs')[1:-1])
'CSV delimiter. '
' '
' '
'* Provide the CSV delimiter to be used. '
'* Default is comma (`,`). '
'* Note: to pass tab, '
'use variable substitution (`$"\t"`) ')[1:-1],
help='Use csv.DictReader. '
' '
' '
'By default, CSVs will be read line by line, '
'using the standard csv.reader(). '
' '
'This will enable '
'[csv.DictReader()](, '
'which allows to access CSV fields by name in mappings. '
' '
'A CSV with a header is required for this setting to work. '
' '
'Note that `csv.DictReader()` may be slower than the default '
action='store_true', default=False,
help='Recursive local sub dirs. '
' '
' '
'If set, process input directories '
'recursively (default depth: `2`)')
help='Skip until file x. '
' '
' '
'If local input, skip all files '
'until file with name `x` appears '
'(default: start immediately)',
help='Skip until record x. '
' '
' '
'If local input, skip all records '
'until record `x` '
'(default: start with first)',
action='store_true', default=False,
help='Zip records parallel. '
' '
' '
'* Use this flag to zip records of '
'multiple input files '
'* e.g. `List1[A,B,C]`, `List2[1,2,3]` will be '
'combined (zipped) on read to '
'`List[A1,B2,C3]` ')
help='Min geoaccuracy to use '
' '
' '
'Set to `latlng`, `place`, '
'or `city` to limit processing of records based '
'on mininum geoaccuracy (default: no limit)',
help='lbsn objects to process '
' '
' '
'If processing from lbsn db (`rawdb`), '
'provide a comma separated list '
'of [lbsn objects][1] to include. '
' '
'May contain: '
'* origin '
'* country '
'* city '
'* place '
'* user_groups '
'* user '
'* post '
'* post_reaction '
' '
'Notes: '
'* Excluded objects will not be queried, but empty '
'objects may be created due to referenced '
'foreign key relationships. '
'* Defaults to '
'`origin,post` '
help='lbsn bases to update '
' '
' '
'If the target output type is `hll`, '
'provide a comma separated list '
'of lbsn bases to include/update/store to. '
' '
' '
'Currently supported: '
'* hashtag '
'* emoji '
'* term '
'* _hashtag_latlng '
'* _term_latlng '
'* _emoji_latlng '
'* _month_hashtag '
'* _month_hashtag_latlng '
'* _month_latlng '
'* monthofyear '
'* month '
'* dayofmonth '
'* dayofweek '
'* hourofday '
'* year '
'* month '
'* date '
'* timestamp '
'* country '
'* region '
'* city '
'* place '
'* latlng '
'* community '
' '
'Bases not included will be skipped. Per '
'default, **no bases** will be considered. '
' '
' '
'Example: '
'--include_lbsn_bases hashtag,place,date,community '
' '
'This will update entries in the Postgres '
'[hlldb]( tables '
'``. `topical.hashtag`, ``, '
'`` and non-existing entries will be created, existing '
'ones will be updated (a `hll_union`). '
' '
' '
'See the structure definition in SQL '
'[here]( '
'for a full list of hlldb table structures. '
' '
'Argument only allowed one time.',
help='Override schema and table name '
' '
' '
'This can be used to redirect lbsn queries on '
'the given object from input db to a specific schema/table '
'such as a materialized view. '
' '
' '
'This can be usefull (e.g.) to limit '
'processing of input data to a specific '
'query. '
' '
'Format is `lbsn_type,schema.table`. '
' '
'Example: '
'--override_lbsn_query_schema post,mviews.mypostquery '
'Argument can be used multiple times.',
help='Override db hmac key '
' '
' '
'The hmac key that is used for cryptographic hashing '
'during creation of HLL sets. Override what is '
'set in hllworker database here. '
' '
' '
'Remember to re-use the same hmac key for any '
'consecutive update of HLL sets. '
' '
' '
'The crypt.salt variable can also be set (temporarily or permanently) in the '
'hll worker database itself. '
' '
'Example: '
'ALTER DATABASE hllworkerdb SET crypt.salt = \'CRYPTSALT\'; '
' '
' '
'Further information is available in the [YFCC HLL tutorial][2]. '
' '
return parser
def parse_args(self, args: List = None):
"""Process input *args
args: Optional prepopulated list of args. Can be used to define
and extend arguments outside of lbsntransform
parser = BaseConfig.get_arg_parser()
args = parser.parse_args(args)
if args.file_input:
self.is_local_input = True
self.local_file_type = args.file_type
if args.is_stacked_json:
self.is_stacked_json = True
if args.is_line_separated_json:
self.is_line_separated_json = True
if not args.input_path_url:
self.input_path = Path.cwd() / "01_Input"
print(f"Using Path: {self.input_path}")
if str(args.input_path_url).startswith("http"):
self.input_path = args.input_path_url.split(";")
self.source_web = True
input_path = Path(args.input_path_url)
self.input_path = input_path
self.dbuser_input = args.dbuser_input
self.dbpassword_input = args.dbpassword_input
input_ip, input_port = BaseConfig.get_ip_port(
self.dbserveraddress_input = input_ip
if input_port:
self.dbserverport_input = input_port
self.dbname_input = args.dbname_input
if args.dry_run:
self.dry_run = True
if args.csv_output:
raise NotImplementedError(
"CSV output is currently not available.")
if args.dbformat_input:
self.dbformat_input = args.dbformat_input
if args.origin:
self.origin = args.origin
if args.geocode_locations:
self.geocode_locations = Path(
if args.ignore_input_source_list:
self.ignore_input_source_list = Path(
if not self.csv_output and args.dbuser_output:
self.dbuser_output = args.dbuser_output
self.dbpassword_output = args.dbpassword_output
output_ip, output_port = BaseConfig.get_ip_port(
self.dbserveraddress_output = output_ip
if output_port:
self.dbserverport_output = output_port
self.dbname_output = args.dbname_output
if not self.csv_output and args.dbformat_output:
self.dbformat_output = args.dbformat_output
if self.dbformat_output == "hll":
self.dbname_hllworker = args.dbname_hllworker
self.dbuser_hllworker = args.dbuser_hllworker
self.dbpassword_hllworker = args.dbpassword_hllworker
hllworker_ip, hllworker_port = BaseConfig.get_ip_port(
self.dbserveraddress_hllworker = hllworker_ip
if hllworker_port:
self.dbserverport_hllworker = hllworker_port
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
"If '--dbformat_output hll' is used, also provide "
"a HLL Worker Connection (--dbname_hllworker, "
"--dbuser_hllworker, --dbpassword_hllworker, "
"--dbserveraddress_hllworker). You can also use the "
"output hlldb again here.")
if args.transferlimit:
self.transferlimit = args.transferlimit
if self.transferlimit == 0:
self.transferlimit = None
if args.commit_volume:
self.commit_volume = args.commit_volume
if self.commit_volume == 0:
self.commit_volume = None
if args.transfer_count:
self.transfer_count = args.transfer_count
if args.records_tofetch:
self.number_of_records_to_fetch = args.records_tofetch
if args.disable_transfer_reactions:
self.transfer_reactions = False
if args.disable_reaction_post_referencing:
self.disable_reactionpost_ref = True
if args.ignore_non_geotagged:
self.ignore_non_geotagged = True
if args.startwith_db_rownumber:
# hack: converts to int (row-count) if possible
# otherwise uses str (row-id lookup)
# TODO: separate into different cli args
self.startwith_db_rownumber = self.int_or_str(
if args.endwith_db_rownumber:
self.endwith_db_rownumber = args.endwith_db_rownumber
if args.debug_mode:
self.debug_mode = args.debug_mode
if args.input_lbsn_type:
self.input_lbsn_type = args.input_lbsn_type
if args.map_full_relations:
self.map_relations = True
if args.csv_allow_linebreaks:
self.csv_suppress_linebreaks = False
if args.csv_delimiter:
self.csv_delim = args.csv_delimiter
if args.use_csv_dictreader:
self.use_csv_dictreader = args.use_csv_dictreader
if args.recursive_load:
self.recursive_load = True
if args.skip_until_file:
self.skip_until_file = args.skip_until_file
if args.zip_records:
self.zip_records = True
if args.skip_until_record:
self.skip_until_record = args.skip_until_record
if args.mappings_path:
self.mappings_path = Path(args.mappings_path)
if args.min_geoaccuracy:
self.min_geoaccuracy = self.check_geoaccuracy_input(
if args.include_lbsn_objects:
self.include_lbsn_objects = \
self.include_lbsn_objects = ["origin,post"]
if args.include_lbsn_bases:
self.include_lbsn_bases = args.include_lbsn_bases.split(",")
if args.override_lbsn_query_schema:
self.override_lbsn_query_schema = self.compile_schema_override(
if args.hmac_key:
self.hmac_key = args.hmac_key
def compile_schema_override(
cls, override_lbsn_query_schema: List[str]) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
"""Split lbsn_type from schema.table override"""
lbsn_query_schema = []
for override in override_lbsn_query_schema:
lbsn_type, schema_table_override = override.split(",")
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError(
f"Cannot split lbsn_type from schema.table ({override}). "
f"Make sure override_lbsn_query_schema entries are "
f"formatted correctly, e.g. lbsn_type,schema.table") from e
(lbsn_type.lower(), schema_table_override.lower()))
return lbsn_query_schema
def check_geoaccuracy_input(geoaccuracy_string):
"""Checks geoaccuracy input string and matches
against proto buf spec
if geoaccuracy_string == "latlng":
return lbsn.Post.LATLNG
if geoaccuracy_string == "place":
return lbsn.Post.PLACE
if geoaccuracy_string == "city":
return lbsn.Post.CITY
print("Unknown geoaccuracy.")
return None
def get_ip_port(ip_string: str):
"""Gets IP and port, if available
ip_string {str} -- String containing IPV4 and
possibly port attached with : character
port = None
ip_addr = None
ip_string_spl = ip_string.split(":")
if len(ip_string_spl) == 2:
ip_addr = ip_string_spl[0]
port = ip_string_spl[1]
ip_addr = ip_string
return ip_addr, port
def set_options():
"""Includes global options in other packages to be set
prior execution"""
# tell shapely to include the srid when generating WKBs
geos.WKBWriter.defaults["include_srid"] = True
def int_or_str(cls, value_str: str):
"""Returns int if value is of type int, otherwise str"""
return int(value_str)
return value_str
class BaseConfig
Base config class for handling typical input params
Set Default Config options here
- or define options as input args
Expand source code
class BaseConfig: """Base config class for handling typical input params""" def __init__(self): """Set Default Config options here - or define options as input args """ self.origin = 0 self.is_local_input = False self.local_file_type = 'json' self.input_path = None self.is_stacked_json = False self.is_line_separated_json = False self.dbuser_input = 'example-user-name' self.dbpassword_input = 'example-user-password' self.dbserveraddress_input = '' self.dbserverport_input = 5432 self.dbformat_input = 'json' self.dbname_input = 'test_db2' self.dbname_hllworker = None self.dbuser_hllworker = None self.dbpassword_hllworker = None self.dbserveraddress_hllworker = None self.dbserverport_hllworker = 5432 self.dbname_hllworker = None self.dbuser_output = None self.dbformat_output = 'lbsn' self.dbpassword_output = None self.dbserveraddress_output = None self.dbserverport_output = 5432 self.dbname_output = None self.transferlimit = None self.transfer_count = 50000 self.number_of_records_to_fetch = 10000 self.transfer_reactions = True self.disable_reactionpost_ref = False self.ignore_non_geotagged = False self.startwith_db_rownumber = None self.endwith_db_rownumber = None self.debug_mode = 'INFO' self.geocode_locations = False self.ignore_input_source_list = False self.input_lbsn_type = None self.map_relations = False self.csv_output = False self.csv_suppress_linebreaks = True self.csv_delim = None self.use_csv_dictreader = None self.recursive_load = False self.skip_until_file = None self.min_geoaccuracy = None self.logging_level = logging.INFO self.source_web = False self.skip_until_record = None self.zip_records = None self.include_lbsn_objects = [] self.include_lbsn_bases = None self.override_lbsn_query_schema = None self.mappings_path = None self.dry_run = None self.hmac_key = None self.commit_volume = None BaseConfig.set_options() @staticmethod def get_arg_parser( parser: argparse.ArgumentParser = None) -> argparse.ArgumentParser: """Define lbsntransform cli arguments Arguments: parser: Optional parser with extended arguments. This can be used to include lbsntransform in another package. Note: All args are optional, but some groups need to be defined together. Important: These settings are used to generate the command line docs [1]. [1]: """ if parser is None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--version', action='version', version=f'{__version__}') parser.add_argument( '-o', "--origin", default=0, help='Input source type (id). ' ' ' ' ' '* Defaults to `0`: LBSN ' ' ' 'Other possible values: ' '* `1` - Instagram ' '* `2` - Flickr ' '* `21` - Flickr YFCC100M ' '* `3` - Twitter ', type=int) parser.add_argument( "--dry-run", action='store_true', help='Perform a trial run ' ' ' 'with no changes made ' 'to database/output') # Local Input local_input_args = parser.add_argument_group('Local Input') local_input_args.add_argument( '-l', "--file_input", action='store_true', help='This flag enables file input ' ' ' '(instead of reading data from a database). ' ' ' ' ' '* To specify which files to process, see ' 'parameter `--input_path_url`. ' '* To specify file types, e.g. whether to ' 'process data from `json` ' 'or `csv`, or from URLs, ' ' see `--file_type` ') local_input_args.add_argument( "--file_type", default='json', help='Specify filetype ' ' ' ' (`json`, `csv` etc.) ' ' ' ' ' '* only applies if `--file_input` is used. ', type=str) local_input_args.add_argument( "--input_path_url", default="01_Input", help='Path to input folder. ' ' ' '* If not provided, subfolder `./01_Input/` ' ' will be used. ' '* You can also provide a web-url, ' 'starting with `http(s)` ' '* URLs will be accessed using ' '`requests.get(url, stream=True)`. ' '* To separate multiple urls, use ' 'semicolon (`;`). In this case, see also ' '`--zip_records`. ', type=str) local_input_args.add_argument( "--is_stacked_json", action='store_true', default=False, help='Input is stacked json. ' ' ' ' ' '* The typical form of json is ' '`[{json1},{json2}]` ' '* If `--is_stacked_json` is set, ' 'it will process stacked jsons in the form ' 'of `{json1}{json2}` (no comma) ') local_input_args.add_argument( "--is_line_separated_json", action='store_true', default=False, help='Json is line separated ' ' ' ' ' '* The typical form is ' '`[{json1},{json2}]` ' '* If `--is_line_separated_json` is set, ' 'it will process stacked jsons in the form ' 'of `{json1}\n{json2}` (with linebreak) ' '* Unix style linebreaks (CR) will be used ' 'across platforms ' '* Windows users, use (e.g.) notepad++ to ' 'convert from Windows style linebreaks (CRLF) ') # HLL Worker hllworker_args = parser.add_argument_group('HLL Worker') hllworker_args.add_argument( "--dbpassword_hllworker", help='Password for hllworker db ' ' ' ' ' '* If reading data into `hlldb`, all ' 'HLL Worker parameters must be supplied by' 'default. ' '* You can substitute hlldb parameters here ' '* In this case, lbsntransform will use ' 'hlldb to convert and union hll sets ' '_and_ to store output results ' '* Currently, this re-use of hlldb requires ' 'to supply the same set of parameters twice ' '* For separation of concerns, it is recommended ' 'to use a separate HLL Worker database ', type=str) hllworker_args.add_argument( "--dbuser_hllworker", default="postgres", help='Username for hllworker db.', type=str) hllworker_args.add_argument( "--dbserveraddress_hllworker", help='IP for hllworker db ' ' ' ' ' '* e.g. `` ' '* Optionally add ' 'port the to use, e.g. ``. ' '* `5432` is the default port ', type=str) hllworker_args.add_argument( "--dbname_hllworker", help='DB name for hllworker db ' ' ' ' ' '* e.g. `hllworkerdb` ', type=str) # DB Output dboutput_args = parser.add_argument_group( 'DB Output') dboutput_args.add_argument( '-p', "--dbpassword_output", help='Password for out-db ' ' ' '(postgres raw/hll db)', type=str) dboutput_args.add_argument( '-u', "--dbuser_output", default="postgres", help='Username for out-db. ' ' ' 'Default: `example-user-name2`', type=str) dboutput_args.add_argument( '-a', "--dbserveraddress_output", help='IP for output db, ' ' ' ' ' '* e.g. `` ' '* Optionally add ' 'port to use, e.g. ``. ' '* `5432` is the default port ', type=str) dboutput_args.add_argument( '-n', "--dbname_output", help='DB name for output db ' ' ' ' ' '* e.g. `rawdb` or `hlldb` ', type=str) dboutput_args.add_argument( "--dbformat_output", default="lbsn", help='Format of the out-db. ' ' ' ' ' '* Either `hll` or `lbsn`. ' '* This setting ' 'affects how data is stored, either ' 'in anonymized and aggregate form (`hll`), or in ' 'the [lbsn raw structure]( ' '(`lbsn`). ', type=str) # DB Input dbinput_args = parser.add_argument_group( 'DB Input') dbinput_args.add_argument( "--dbpassword_input", help='Password for input-db', type=str) dbinput_args.add_argument( "--dbuser_input", default="postgres", help='Username for input-db.', type=str) dbinput_args.add_argument( "--dbserveraddress_input", help='IP for input-db, ' ' ' ' ' '* e.g. `` ' '* Optionally add port to use, e.g. ' '``. ' '* `5432` is the default port ', type=str) dbinput_args.add_argument( "--dbname_input", help='DB name for input-db, ' ' ' ' ' '* e.g.: `rawdb` ', type=str) dbinput_args.add_argument( "--dbformat_input", default="json", help='Format of the input-db. ' ' ' ' ' '* Either `lbsn` or `json` ' '* If lbsn is used, the native lbsn raw ' 'input mapping (`0`) will be used ' '* If `json` is used, a custom mapping for ' 'json must be provided, for mapping database ' 'json\'s to the lbsn structure. See ' '[input mappings]( ', type=str) # Additional args settings_args = parser.add_argument_group( 'Additional settings') settings_args.add_argument( '-t', "--transferlimit", help='Abort after x records. ' ' ' ' ' '* This can be used to limit the number of ' 'records that will be processed. ' '* e.g. `--transferlimit 10000` will process ' 'the first 10000 input records ' '* Defaults to None (= process all) ' '* Note that one input record can map to ' 'many output records. This number applies to ' 'the number of input records, not the output count. ', type=int) settings_args.add_argument( "--transfer_count", default=50000, help='Transfer batch limit x. ' ' ' ' ' '* Defines after how many ' 'parsed records the results will be ' 'transferred to the DB. ' '* Defaults to 50000 ' '* If you have a slow server, but a fast machine, larger values ' 'improve speed because duplicate ' 'check happens in Python, and not in ' 'Postgres coalesce; ' '* However, larger values require ' 'more local memory. If you have a fast server, but a slow machine, ' 'try if a smaller batch `--transfer_count` (e.g. 5000) improves speed. ' ' ' ' ' '!!! note ' ' Use `--transferlimit` to limit the ' ' total number of records transferred. `--transfer_count` ' ' instead defines the _batch_ count that is used to transfer ' ' data incrementally. ', type=int) settings_args.add_argument( "--commit_volume", default=None, help='After x commit_volume, changes (transactions) will be written to ' 'the output database (a ' '[Postgres COMMIT]( ' ' ' ' ' 'Note that updated entries in the output database are only written ' 'from the WAL buffer after a commit. ' ' ' ' ' '* Default for rawdb: 10000 ' '* Default for hlldb: 100000 ' ' ' ' ' '!!! warning ' ' If you have concurrent writes to the DB (e.g. multiple ' ' lbsntransform processes) and if you see transaction deadlocks, ' ' reduce the commit_volume. ', type=int) settings_args.add_argument( "--records_tofetch", default=10000, help='Fetch x records /batch. ' ' ' ' ' '* If retrieving data from a db (`lbsn`), ' 'limit the number of records to fetch at once. ' '* Defaults to 10000 ', type=int) settings_args.add_argument( "--disable_transfer_reactions", action='store_true', help='Disable reactions. ' ' ' ' ' '* If set, processing of lbsn reactions will be skipped, ' '* only original posts are transferred. ' '* This is usefull to reduce ' 'processing and data footprint for some service data, ' 'e.g. for Twitter, with a large ' 'number of reactions containing little original content. ') settings_args.add_argument( "--disable_reaction_post_referencing", action='store_true', default=False, help='Disable reactions-refs. ' ' ' ' ' 'Enable this option in args ' 'to prevent empty posts being stored ' 'due to Foreign-Key-Exists Requirement. ' ' ' 'Possible parameters: ' '* `0` = Save Original Tweets of Retweets as `posts`; ' '* `1` = do not store Original Tweets of Retweets; ' '* `2` = !Not implemented: Store Original Tweets of Retweets as ' '`post_reactions` ') settings_args.add_argument( "--ignore_non_geotagged", action='store_true', help='Ignore none-geotagged. ' ' ' ' ' 'If set, posts that are not geotagged ' 'are ignored during processing.') settings_args.add_argument( "--startwith_db_rownumber", help='Start with db row x. ' ' ' ' ' 'If transferring from a databse (input), this flag can be used to ' 'resume processing (e.g.) ' 'if a transfer has been aborted. ' ' ' ' ' '* Provide a number (row-id) to start ' 'processing from live db. ' '* If input db type ' 'is `lbsn`, this is the primary key, without the `origin_id`, ' '(e.g. the `post_guid`, `place_guid` etc.). ' '* This flag will only work if processing a ' 'single lbsn object (e.g. `--include_lbsn_objects "post"`). ' ' ' 'Example: ' '`--startwith_db_rownumber "123456789"` ' 'will lead to the first batch-query from the DB looking like this: ' '```sql' 'SELECT * FROM topical."post" ' 'WHERE post_guid > \'123456789\' ' 'ORDER BY post_guid ASC ' 'LIMIT 10000; ' '```' ' ' ' ', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--endwith_db_rownumber", help='End with db row x. ' ' ' ' ' 'Provide a number (row-id) to end ' 'processing from live db', type=int) settings_args.add_argument( "--debug_mode", help='Enable debug mode.', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--geocode_locations", help='Path to loc-geocodes. ' ' ' ' ' '* Provide path to a CSV file with ' 'location geocodes ' '* CSV Header must be: ' '`lat, lng, name`). ' '* This can be used in mappings to assign ' 'coordinates (lat, lng) ' 'to use provided locations as text ', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--ignore_input_source_list", help='Path to input ignore. ' ' ' ' ' 'Provide a path to a list of input_source ' 'types that will be ignored (e.g. to ' 'ignore certain bots etc.)', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--mappings_path", help='Path mappings folder. ' ' ' ' ' 'Provide a path to a custom folder ' 'that contains ' 'one or more input mapping modules (`*.py`). ' ' ' ' ' '* Have a look at the two sample mappings ' 'in [the resources folder]( ' '* See how to define custom input mappings ' 'in the [docs]( ', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--input_lbsn_type", help='Input sub-type ' ' ' ' ' '* e.g. `post`, `profile`, ' '`friendslist`, `followerslist` etc. ' '* This can be used to select an appropiate ' 'mapping procedure in a single mapping module. ', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--map_full_relations", action='store_true', help='Map full relations. ' ' ' ' ' 'Set to true to map full relations, ' 'e.g. many-to-many relationships, ' 'such as `user_follows`, ' '`user_friend`, or `user_mentions` etc. are ' 'mapped in a separate table. ' 'Defaults to False.') settings_args.add_argument( "--csv_output", action='store_true', help='Store to local CSV. ' ' ' ' ' 'If set, will store all ' 'submit values to local CSV instead. ' 'Currently, this type of output is not available.') settings_args.add_argument( "--csv_allow_linebreaks", action='store_true', help=repr('Disable linebreak-rem. ' ' ' ' ' 'If set, will not ' 'remove intext-linebreaks (`\r` or `\n`) ' 'in output CSVs')[1:-1]) settings_args.add_argument( "--csv_delimiter", default=",", help=repr( 'CSV delimiter. ' ' ' ' ' '* Provide the CSV delimiter to be used. ' '* Default is comma (`,`). ' '* Note: to pass tab, ' 'use variable substitution (`$"\t"`) ')[1:-1], type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--use_csv_dictreader", action='store_true', help='Use csv.DictReader. ' ' ' ' ' 'By default, CSVs will be read line by line, ' 'using the standard csv.reader(). ' ' ' 'This will enable ' '[csv.DictReader()](, ' 'which allows to access CSV fields by name in mappings. ' ' ' 'A CSV with a header is required for this setting to work. ' ' ' 'Note that `csv.DictReader()` may be slower than the default ' '`csv.reader()`.') settings_args.add_argument( "--recursive_load", action='store_true', default=False, help='Recursive local sub dirs. ' ' ' ' ' 'If set, process input directories ' 'recursively (default depth: `2`)') settings_args.add_argument( "--skip_until_file", help='Skip until file x. ' ' ' ' ' 'If local input, skip all files ' 'until file with name `x` appears ' '(default: start immediately)', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--skip_until_record", help='Skip until record x. ' ' ' ' ' 'If local input, skip all records ' 'until record `x` ' '(default: start with first)', type=int) settings_args.add_argument( "--zip_records", action='store_true', default=False, help='Zip records parallel. ' ' ' ' ' '* Use this flag to zip records of ' 'multiple input files ' '* e.g. `List1[A,B,C]`, `List2[1,2,3]` will be ' 'combined (zipped) on read to ' '`List[A1,B2,C3]` ') settings_args.add_argument( "--min_geoaccuracy", help='Min geoaccuracy to use ' ' ' ' ' 'Set to `latlng`, `place`, ' 'or `city` to limit processing of records based ' 'on mininum geoaccuracy (default: no limit)', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--include_lbsn_objects", help='lbsn objects to process ' ' ' ' ' 'If processing from lbsn db (`rawdb`), ' 'provide a comma separated list ' 'of [lbsn objects][1] to include. ' ' ' 'May contain: ' '* origin ' '* country ' '* city ' '* place ' '* user_groups ' '* user ' '* post ' '* post_reaction ' ' ' 'Notes: ' '* Excluded objects will not be queried, but empty ' 'objects may be created due to referenced ' 'foreign key relationships. ' '* Defaults to ' '`origin,post` ' '[1]:', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--include_lbsn_bases", help='lbsn bases to update ' ' ' ' ' 'If the target output type is `hll`, ' 'provide a comma separated list ' 'of lbsn bases to include/update/store to. ' ' ' ' ' 'Currently supported: ' '* hashtag ' '* emoji ' '* term ' '* _hashtag_latlng ' '* _term_latlng ' '* _emoji_latlng ' '* _month_hashtag ' '* _month_hashtag_latlng ' '* _month_latlng ' '* monthofyear ' '* month ' '* dayofmonth ' '* dayofweek ' '* hourofday ' '* year ' '* month ' '* date ' '* timestamp ' '* country ' '* region ' '* city ' '* place ' '* latlng ' '* community ' ' ' 'Bases not included will be skipped. Per ' 'default, **no bases** will be considered. ' ' ' ' ' 'Example: ' '```bash' '--include_lbsn_bases hashtag,place,date,community ' '```' ' ' 'This will update entries in the Postgres ' '[hlldb]( tables ' '``. `topical.hashtag`, ``, ' '`` and non-existing entries will be created, existing ' 'ones will be updated (a `hll_union`). ' ' ' ' ' 'See the structure definition in SQL ' '[here]( ' 'for a full list of hlldb table structures. ' ' ' 'Argument only allowed one time.', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--override_lbsn_query_schema", help='Override schema and table name ' ' ' ' ' 'This can be used to redirect lbsn queries on ' 'the given object from input db to a specific schema/table ' 'such as a materialized view. ' ' ' ' ' 'This can be usefull (e.g.) to limit ' 'processing of input data to a specific ' 'query. ' ' ' 'Format is `lbsn_type,schema.table`. ' ' ' 'Example: ' '```bash' '--override_lbsn_query_schema post,mviews.mypostquery ' '```' 'Argument can be used multiple times.', action='append', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--hmac_key", help='Override db hmac key ' ' ' ' ' 'The hmac key that is used for cryptographic hashing ' 'during creation of HLL sets. Override what is ' 'set in hllworker database here. ' ' ' ' ' 'Remember to re-use the same hmac key for any ' 'consecutive update of HLL sets. ' ' ' ' ' 'The crypt.salt variable can also be set (temporarily or permanently) in the ' 'hll worker database itself. ' ' ' 'Example: ' '```sql' 'ALTER DATABASE hllworkerdb SET crypt.salt = \'CRYPTSALT\'; ' '```' ' ' ' ' 'Further information is available in the [YFCC HLL tutorial][2]. ' ' ' '[2]:', action='append', type=str) return parser def parse_args(self, args: List = None): """Process input *args Arguments: args: Optional prepopulated list of args. Can be used to define and extend arguments outside of lbsntransform """ parser = BaseConfig.get_arg_parser() args = parser.parse_args(args) if args.file_input: self.is_local_input = True self.local_file_type = args.file_type if args.is_stacked_json: self.is_stacked_json = True if args.is_line_separated_json: self.is_line_separated_json = True if not args.input_path_url: self.input_path = Path.cwd() / "01_Input" print(f"Using Path: {self.input_path}") else: if str(args.input_path_url).startswith("http"): self.input_path = args.input_path_url.split(";") self.source_web = True else: input_path = Path(args.input_path_url) self.input_path = input_path else: self.dbuser_input = args.dbuser_input self.dbpassword_input = args.dbpassword_input input_ip, input_port = BaseConfig.get_ip_port( args.dbserveraddress_input) self.dbserveraddress_input = input_ip if input_port: self.dbserverport_input = input_port self.dbname_input = args.dbname_input if args.dry_run: self.dry_run = True if args.csv_output: raise NotImplementedError( "CSV output is currently not available.") if args.dbformat_input: self.dbformat_input = args.dbformat_input if args.origin: self.origin = args.origin if args.geocode_locations: self.geocode_locations = Path( args.geocode_locations) if args.ignore_input_source_list: self.ignore_input_source_list = Path( args.ignore_input_source_list) if not self.csv_output and args.dbuser_output: self.dbuser_output = args.dbuser_output self.dbpassword_output = args.dbpassword_output output_ip, output_port = BaseConfig.get_ip_port( args.dbserveraddress_output) self.dbserveraddress_output = output_ip if output_port: self.dbserverport_output = output_port self.dbname_output = args.dbname_output if not self.csv_output and args.dbformat_output: self.dbformat_output = args.dbformat_output if self.dbformat_output == "hll": try: self.dbname_hllworker = args.dbname_hllworker self.dbuser_hllworker = args.dbuser_hllworker self.dbpassword_hllworker = args.dbpassword_hllworker hllworker_ip, hllworker_port = BaseConfig.get_ip_port( args.dbserveraddress_hllworker) self.dbserveraddress_hllworker = hllworker_ip if hllworker_port: self.dbserverport_hllworker = hllworker_port except ValueError: raise ValueError( "If '--dbformat_output hll' is used, also provide " "a HLL Worker Connection (--dbname_hllworker, " "--dbuser_hllworker, --dbpassword_hllworker, " "--dbserveraddress_hllworker). You can also use the " "output hlldb again here.") if args.transferlimit: self.transferlimit = args.transferlimit if self.transferlimit == 0: self.transferlimit = None if args.commit_volume: self.commit_volume = args.commit_volume if self.commit_volume == 0: self.commit_volume = None if args.transfer_count: self.transfer_count = args.transfer_count if args.records_tofetch: self.number_of_records_to_fetch = args.records_tofetch if args.disable_transfer_reactions: self.transfer_reactions = False if args.disable_reaction_post_referencing: self.disable_reactionpost_ref = True if args.ignore_non_geotagged: self.ignore_non_geotagged = True if args.startwith_db_rownumber: # hack: converts to int (row-count) if possible # otherwise uses str (row-id lookup) # TODO: separate into different cli args self.startwith_db_rownumber = self.int_or_str( args.startwith_db_rownumber) if args.endwith_db_rownumber: self.endwith_db_rownumber = args.endwith_db_rownumber if args.debug_mode: self.debug_mode = args.debug_mode if args.input_lbsn_type: self.input_lbsn_type = args.input_lbsn_type if args.map_full_relations: self.map_relations = True if args.csv_allow_linebreaks: self.csv_suppress_linebreaks = False if args.csv_delimiter: self.csv_delim = args.csv_delimiter if args.use_csv_dictreader: self.use_csv_dictreader = args.use_csv_dictreader if args.recursive_load: self.recursive_load = True if args.skip_until_file: self.skip_until_file = args.skip_until_file if args.zip_records: self.zip_records = True if args.skip_until_record: self.skip_until_record = args.skip_until_record if args.mappings_path: self.mappings_path = Path(args.mappings_path) if args.min_geoaccuracy: self.min_geoaccuracy = self.check_geoaccuracy_input( args.min_geoaccuracy) if args.include_lbsn_objects: self.include_lbsn_objects = \ args.include_lbsn_objects.lower().split(",") else: self.include_lbsn_objects = ["origin,post"] if args.include_lbsn_bases: self.include_lbsn_bases = args.include_lbsn_bases.split(",") if args.override_lbsn_query_schema: self.override_lbsn_query_schema = self.compile_schema_override( args.override_lbsn_query_schema) if args.hmac_key: self.hmac_key = args.hmac_key @classmethod def compile_schema_override( cls, override_lbsn_query_schema: List[str]) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """Split lbsn_type from schema.table override""" lbsn_query_schema = [] for override in override_lbsn_query_schema: try: lbsn_type, schema_table_override = override.split(",") except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( f"Cannot split lbsn_type from schema.table ({override}). " f"Make sure override_lbsn_query_schema entries are " f"formatted correctly, e.g. lbsn_type,schema.table") from e lbsn_query_schema.append( (lbsn_type.lower(), schema_table_override.lower())) return lbsn_query_schema @staticmethod def check_geoaccuracy_input(geoaccuracy_string): """Checks geoaccuracy input string and matches against proto buf spec """ if geoaccuracy_string == "latlng": return lbsn.Post.LATLNG if geoaccuracy_string == "place": return lbsn.Post.PLACE if geoaccuracy_string == "city": return lbsn.Post.CITY print("Unknown geoaccuracy.") return None @staticmethod def get_ip_port(ip_string: str): """Gets IP and port, if available Arguments: ip_string {str} -- String containing IPV4 and possibly port attached with : character """ port = None ip_addr = None ip_string_spl = ip_string.split(":") if len(ip_string_spl) == 2: ip_addr = ip_string_spl[0] port = ip_string_spl[1] else: ip_addr = ip_string return ip_addr, port @staticmethod def set_options(): """Includes global options in other packages to be set prior execution""" # tell shapely to include the srid when generating WKBs geos.WKBWriter.defaults["include_srid"] = True @classmethod def int_or_str(cls, value_str: str): """Returns int if value is of type int, otherwise str""" try: return int(value_str) except: return value_str
Static methods
def check_geoaccuracy_input(geoaccuracy_string)
Checks geoaccuracy input string and matches against proto buf spec
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@staticmethod def check_geoaccuracy_input(geoaccuracy_string): """Checks geoaccuracy input string and matches against proto buf spec """ if geoaccuracy_string == "latlng": return lbsn.Post.LATLNG if geoaccuracy_string == "place": return lbsn.Post.PLACE if geoaccuracy_string == "city": return lbsn.Post.CITY print("Unknown geoaccuracy.") return None
def compile_schema_override(override_lbsn_query_schema: List[str]) ‑> List[Tuple[str, str]]
Split lbsn_type from schema.table override
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@classmethod def compile_schema_override( cls, override_lbsn_query_schema: List[str]) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """Split lbsn_type from schema.table override""" lbsn_query_schema = [] for override in override_lbsn_query_schema: try: lbsn_type, schema_table_override = override.split(",") except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( f"Cannot split lbsn_type from schema.table ({override}). " f"Make sure override_lbsn_query_schema entries are " f"formatted correctly, e.g. lbsn_type,schema.table") from e lbsn_query_schema.append( (lbsn_type.lower(), schema_table_override.lower())) return lbsn_query_schema
def get_arg_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser = None) ‑> argparse.ArgumentParser
Define lbsntransform cli arguments
parser: Optional parser with extended arguments. This can be used to include lbsntransform in another package.
Note: All args are optional, but some groups need to be defined together.
Important: These settings are used to generate the command line docs 1.
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@staticmethod def get_arg_parser( parser: argparse.ArgumentParser = None) -> argparse.ArgumentParser: """Define lbsntransform cli arguments Arguments: parser: Optional parser with extended arguments. This can be used to include lbsntransform in another package. Note: All args are optional, but some groups need to be defined together. Important: These settings are used to generate the command line docs [1]. [1]: """ if parser is None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--version', action='version', version=f'{__version__}') parser.add_argument( '-o', "--origin", default=0, help='Input source type (id). ' ' ' ' ' '* Defaults to `0`: LBSN ' ' ' 'Other possible values: ' '* `1` - Instagram ' '* `2` - Flickr ' '* `21` - Flickr YFCC100M ' '* `3` - Twitter ', type=int) parser.add_argument( "--dry-run", action='store_true', help='Perform a trial run ' ' ' 'with no changes made ' 'to database/output') # Local Input local_input_args = parser.add_argument_group('Local Input') local_input_args.add_argument( '-l', "--file_input", action='store_true', help='This flag enables file input ' ' ' '(instead of reading data from a database). ' ' ' ' ' '* To specify which files to process, see ' 'parameter `--input_path_url`. ' '* To specify file types, e.g. whether to ' 'process data from `json` ' 'or `csv`, or from URLs, ' ' see `--file_type` ') local_input_args.add_argument( "--file_type", default='json', help='Specify filetype ' ' ' ' (`json`, `csv` etc.) ' ' ' ' ' '* only applies if `--file_input` is used. ', type=str) local_input_args.add_argument( "--input_path_url", default="01_Input", help='Path to input folder. ' ' ' '* If not provided, subfolder `./01_Input/` ' ' will be used. ' '* You can also provide a web-url, ' 'starting with `http(s)` ' '* URLs will be accessed using ' '`requests.get(url, stream=True)`. ' '* To separate multiple urls, use ' 'semicolon (`;`). In this case, see also ' '`--zip_records`. ', type=str) local_input_args.add_argument( "--is_stacked_json", action='store_true', default=False, help='Input is stacked json. ' ' ' ' ' '* The typical form of json is ' '`[{json1},{json2}]` ' '* If `--is_stacked_json` is set, ' 'it will process stacked jsons in the form ' 'of `{json1}{json2}` (no comma) ') local_input_args.add_argument( "--is_line_separated_json", action='store_true', default=False, help='Json is line separated ' ' ' ' ' '* The typical form is ' '`[{json1},{json2}]` ' '* If `--is_line_separated_json` is set, ' 'it will process stacked jsons in the form ' 'of `{json1}\n{json2}` (with linebreak) ' '* Unix style linebreaks (CR) will be used ' 'across platforms ' '* Windows users, use (e.g.) notepad++ to ' 'convert from Windows style linebreaks (CRLF) ') # HLL Worker hllworker_args = parser.add_argument_group('HLL Worker') hllworker_args.add_argument( "--dbpassword_hllworker", help='Password for hllworker db ' ' ' ' ' '* If reading data into `hlldb`, all ' 'HLL Worker parameters must be supplied by' 'default. ' '* You can substitute hlldb parameters here ' '* In this case, lbsntransform will use ' 'hlldb to convert and union hll sets ' '_and_ to store output results ' '* Currently, this re-use of hlldb requires ' 'to supply the same set of parameters twice ' '* For separation of concerns, it is recommended ' 'to use a separate HLL Worker database ', type=str) hllworker_args.add_argument( "--dbuser_hllworker", default="postgres", help='Username for hllworker db.', type=str) hllworker_args.add_argument( "--dbserveraddress_hllworker", help='IP for hllworker db ' ' ' ' ' '* e.g. `` ' '* Optionally add ' 'port the to use, e.g. ``. ' '* `5432` is the default port ', type=str) hllworker_args.add_argument( "--dbname_hllworker", help='DB name for hllworker db ' ' ' ' ' '* e.g. `hllworkerdb` ', type=str) # DB Output dboutput_args = parser.add_argument_group( 'DB Output') dboutput_args.add_argument( '-p', "--dbpassword_output", help='Password for out-db ' ' ' '(postgres raw/hll db)', type=str) dboutput_args.add_argument( '-u', "--dbuser_output", default="postgres", help='Username for out-db. ' ' ' 'Default: `example-user-name2`', type=str) dboutput_args.add_argument( '-a', "--dbserveraddress_output", help='IP for output db, ' ' ' ' ' '* e.g. `` ' '* Optionally add ' 'port to use, e.g. ``. ' '* `5432` is the default port ', type=str) dboutput_args.add_argument( '-n', "--dbname_output", help='DB name for output db ' ' ' ' ' '* e.g. `rawdb` or `hlldb` ', type=str) dboutput_args.add_argument( "--dbformat_output", default="lbsn", help='Format of the out-db. ' ' ' ' ' '* Either `hll` or `lbsn`. ' '* This setting ' 'affects how data is stored, either ' 'in anonymized and aggregate form (`hll`), or in ' 'the [lbsn raw structure]( ' '(`lbsn`). ', type=str) # DB Input dbinput_args = parser.add_argument_group( 'DB Input') dbinput_args.add_argument( "--dbpassword_input", help='Password for input-db', type=str) dbinput_args.add_argument( "--dbuser_input", default="postgres", help='Username for input-db.', type=str) dbinput_args.add_argument( "--dbserveraddress_input", help='IP for input-db, ' ' ' ' ' '* e.g. `` ' '* Optionally add port to use, e.g. ' '``. ' '* `5432` is the default port ', type=str) dbinput_args.add_argument( "--dbname_input", help='DB name for input-db, ' ' ' ' ' '* e.g.: `rawdb` ', type=str) dbinput_args.add_argument( "--dbformat_input", default="json", help='Format of the input-db. ' ' ' ' ' '* Either `lbsn` or `json` ' '* If lbsn is used, the native lbsn raw ' 'input mapping (`0`) will be used ' '* If `json` is used, a custom mapping for ' 'json must be provided, for mapping database ' 'json\'s to the lbsn structure. See ' '[input mappings]( ', type=str) # Additional args settings_args = parser.add_argument_group( 'Additional settings') settings_args.add_argument( '-t', "--transferlimit", help='Abort after x records. ' ' ' ' ' '* This can be used to limit the number of ' 'records that will be processed. ' '* e.g. `--transferlimit 10000` will process ' 'the first 10000 input records ' '* Defaults to None (= process all) ' '* Note that one input record can map to ' 'many output records. This number applies to ' 'the number of input records, not the output count. ', type=int) settings_args.add_argument( "--transfer_count", default=50000, help='Transfer batch limit x. ' ' ' ' ' '* Defines after how many ' 'parsed records the results will be ' 'transferred to the DB. ' '* Defaults to 50000 ' '* If you have a slow server, but a fast machine, larger values ' 'improve speed because duplicate ' 'check happens in Python, and not in ' 'Postgres coalesce; ' '* However, larger values require ' 'more local memory. If you have a fast server, but a slow machine, ' 'try if a smaller batch `--transfer_count` (e.g. 5000) improves speed. ' ' ' ' ' '!!! note ' ' Use `--transferlimit` to limit the ' ' total number of records transferred. `--transfer_count` ' ' instead defines the _batch_ count that is used to transfer ' ' data incrementally. ', type=int) settings_args.add_argument( "--commit_volume", default=None, help='After x commit_volume, changes (transactions) will be written to ' 'the output database (a ' '[Postgres COMMIT]( ' ' ' ' ' 'Note that updated entries in the output database are only written ' 'from the WAL buffer after a commit. ' ' ' ' ' '* Default for rawdb: 10000 ' '* Default for hlldb: 100000 ' ' ' ' ' '!!! warning ' ' If you have concurrent writes to the DB (e.g. multiple ' ' lbsntransform processes) and if you see transaction deadlocks, ' ' reduce the commit_volume. ', type=int) settings_args.add_argument( "--records_tofetch", default=10000, help='Fetch x records /batch. ' ' ' ' ' '* If retrieving data from a db (`lbsn`), ' 'limit the number of records to fetch at once. ' '* Defaults to 10000 ', type=int) settings_args.add_argument( "--disable_transfer_reactions", action='store_true', help='Disable reactions. ' ' ' ' ' '* If set, processing of lbsn reactions will be skipped, ' '* only original posts are transferred. ' '* This is usefull to reduce ' 'processing and data footprint for some service data, ' 'e.g. for Twitter, with a large ' 'number of reactions containing little original content. ') settings_args.add_argument( "--disable_reaction_post_referencing", action='store_true', default=False, help='Disable reactions-refs. ' ' ' ' ' 'Enable this option in args ' 'to prevent empty posts being stored ' 'due to Foreign-Key-Exists Requirement. ' ' ' 'Possible parameters: ' '* `0` = Save Original Tweets of Retweets as `posts`; ' '* `1` = do not store Original Tweets of Retweets; ' '* `2` = !Not implemented: Store Original Tweets of Retweets as ' '`post_reactions` ') settings_args.add_argument( "--ignore_non_geotagged", action='store_true', help='Ignore none-geotagged. ' ' ' ' ' 'If set, posts that are not geotagged ' 'are ignored during processing.') settings_args.add_argument( "--startwith_db_rownumber", help='Start with db row x. ' ' ' ' ' 'If transferring from a databse (input), this flag can be used to ' 'resume processing (e.g.) ' 'if a transfer has been aborted. ' ' ' ' ' '* Provide a number (row-id) to start ' 'processing from live db. ' '* If input db type ' 'is `lbsn`, this is the primary key, without the `origin_id`, ' '(e.g. the `post_guid`, `place_guid` etc.). ' '* This flag will only work if processing a ' 'single lbsn object (e.g. `--include_lbsn_objects "post"`). ' ' ' 'Example: ' '`--startwith_db_rownumber "123456789"` ' 'will lead to the first batch-query from the DB looking like this: ' '```sql' 'SELECT * FROM topical."post" ' 'WHERE post_guid > \'123456789\' ' 'ORDER BY post_guid ASC ' 'LIMIT 10000; ' '```' ' ' ' ', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--endwith_db_rownumber", help='End with db row x. ' ' ' ' ' 'Provide a number (row-id) to end ' 'processing from live db', type=int) settings_args.add_argument( "--debug_mode", help='Enable debug mode.', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--geocode_locations", help='Path to loc-geocodes. ' ' ' ' ' '* Provide path to a CSV file with ' 'location geocodes ' '* CSV Header must be: ' '`lat, lng, name`). ' '* This can be used in mappings to assign ' 'coordinates (lat, lng) ' 'to use provided locations as text ', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--ignore_input_source_list", help='Path to input ignore. ' ' ' ' ' 'Provide a path to a list of input_source ' 'types that will be ignored (e.g. to ' 'ignore certain bots etc.)', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--mappings_path", help='Path mappings folder. ' ' ' ' ' 'Provide a path to a custom folder ' 'that contains ' 'one or more input mapping modules (`*.py`). ' ' ' ' ' '* Have a look at the two sample mappings ' 'in [the resources folder]( ' '* See how to define custom input mappings ' 'in the [docs]( ', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--input_lbsn_type", help='Input sub-type ' ' ' ' ' '* e.g. `post`, `profile`, ' '`friendslist`, `followerslist` etc. ' '* This can be used to select an appropiate ' 'mapping procedure in a single mapping module. ', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--map_full_relations", action='store_true', help='Map full relations. ' ' ' ' ' 'Set to true to map full relations, ' 'e.g. many-to-many relationships, ' 'such as `user_follows`, ' '`user_friend`, or `user_mentions` etc. are ' 'mapped in a separate table. ' 'Defaults to False.') settings_args.add_argument( "--csv_output", action='store_true', help='Store to local CSV. ' ' ' ' ' 'If set, will store all ' 'submit values to local CSV instead. ' 'Currently, this type of output is not available.') settings_args.add_argument( "--csv_allow_linebreaks", action='store_true', help=repr('Disable linebreak-rem. ' ' ' ' ' 'If set, will not ' 'remove intext-linebreaks (`\r` or `\n`) ' 'in output CSVs')[1:-1]) settings_args.add_argument( "--csv_delimiter", default=",", help=repr( 'CSV delimiter. ' ' ' ' ' '* Provide the CSV delimiter to be used. ' '* Default is comma (`,`). ' '* Note: to pass tab, ' 'use variable substitution (`$"\t"`) ')[1:-1], type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--use_csv_dictreader", action='store_true', help='Use csv.DictReader. ' ' ' ' ' 'By default, CSVs will be read line by line, ' 'using the standard csv.reader(). ' ' ' 'This will enable ' '[csv.DictReader()](, ' 'which allows to access CSV fields by name in mappings. ' ' ' 'A CSV with a header is required for this setting to work. ' ' ' 'Note that `csv.DictReader()` may be slower than the default ' '`csv.reader()`.') settings_args.add_argument( "--recursive_load", action='store_true', default=False, help='Recursive local sub dirs. ' ' ' ' ' 'If set, process input directories ' 'recursively (default depth: `2`)') settings_args.add_argument( "--skip_until_file", help='Skip until file x. ' ' ' ' ' 'If local input, skip all files ' 'until file with name `x` appears ' '(default: start immediately)', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--skip_until_record", help='Skip until record x. ' ' ' ' ' 'If local input, skip all records ' 'until record `x` ' '(default: start with first)', type=int) settings_args.add_argument( "--zip_records", action='store_true', default=False, help='Zip records parallel. ' ' ' ' ' '* Use this flag to zip records of ' 'multiple input files ' '* e.g. `List1[A,B,C]`, `List2[1,2,3]` will be ' 'combined (zipped) on read to ' '`List[A1,B2,C3]` ') settings_args.add_argument( "--min_geoaccuracy", help='Min geoaccuracy to use ' ' ' ' ' 'Set to `latlng`, `place`, ' 'or `city` to limit processing of records based ' 'on mininum geoaccuracy (default: no limit)', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--include_lbsn_objects", help='lbsn objects to process ' ' ' ' ' 'If processing from lbsn db (`rawdb`), ' 'provide a comma separated list ' 'of [lbsn objects][1] to include. ' ' ' 'May contain: ' '* origin ' '* country ' '* city ' '* place ' '* user_groups ' '* user ' '* post ' '* post_reaction ' ' ' 'Notes: ' '* Excluded objects will not be queried, but empty ' 'objects may be created due to referenced ' 'foreign key relationships. ' '* Defaults to ' '`origin,post` ' '[1]:', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--include_lbsn_bases", help='lbsn bases to update ' ' ' ' ' 'If the target output type is `hll`, ' 'provide a comma separated list ' 'of lbsn bases to include/update/store to. ' ' ' ' ' 'Currently supported: ' '* hashtag ' '* emoji ' '* term ' '* _hashtag_latlng ' '* _term_latlng ' '* _emoji_latlng ' '* _month_hashtag ' '* _month_hashtag_latlng ' '* _month_latlng ' '* monthofyear ' '* month ' '* dayofmonth ' '* dayofweek ' '* hourofday ' '* year ' '* month ' '* date ' '* timestamp ' '* country ' '* region ' '* city ' '* place ' '* latlng ' '* community ' ' ' 'Bases not included will be skipped. Per ' 'default, **no bases** will be considered. ' ' ' ' ' 'Example: ' '```bash' '--include_lbsn_bases hashtag,place,date,community ' '```' ' ' 'This will update entries in the Postgres ' '[hlldb]( tables ' '``. `topical.hashtag`, ``, ' '`` and non-existing entries will be created, existing ' 'ones will be updated (a `hll_union`). ' ' ' ' ' 'See the structure definition in SQL ' '[here]( ' 'for a full list of hlldb table structures. ' ' ' 'Argument only allowed one time.', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--override_lbsn_query_schema", help='Override schema and table name ' ' ' ' ' 'This can be used to redirect lbsn queries on ' 'the given object from input db to a specific schema/table ' 'such as a materialized view. ' ' ' ' ' 'This can be usefull (e.g.) to limit ' 'processing of input data to a specific ' 'query. ' ' ' 'Format is `lbsn_type,schema.table`. ' ' ' 'Example: ' '```bash' '--override_lbsn_query_schema post,mviews.mypostquery ' '```' 'Argument can be used multiple times.', action='append', type=str) settings_args.add_argument( "--hmac_key", help='Override db hmac key ' ' ' ' ' 'The hmac key that is used for cryptographic hashing ' 'during creation of HLL sets. Override what is ' 'set in hllworker database here. ' ' ' ' ' 'Remember to re-use the same hmac key for any ' 'consecutive update of HLL sets. ' ' ' ' ' 'The crypt.salt variable can also be set (temporarily or permanently) in the ' 'hll worker database itself. ' ' ' 'Example: ' '```sql' 'ALTER DATABASE hllworkerdb SET crypt.salt = \'CRYPTSALT\'; ' '```' ' ' ' ' 'Further information is available in the [YFCC HLL tutorial][2]. ' ' ' '[2]:', action='append', type=str) return parser
def get_ip_port(ip_string: str)
Gets IP and port, if available
ip_string {str} – String containing IPV4 and possibly port attached with : character
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@staticmethod def get_ip_port(ip_string: str): """Gets IP and port, if available Arguments: ip_string {str} -- String containing IPV4 and possibly port attached with : character """ port = None ip_addr = None ip_string_spl = ip_string.split(":") if len(ip_string_spl) == 2: ip_addr = ip_string_spl[0] port = ip_string_spl[1] else: ip_addr = ip_string return ip_addr, port
def int_or_str(value_str: str)
Returns int if value is of type int, otherwise str
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@classmethod def int_or_str(cls, value_str: str): """Returns int if value is of type int, otherwise str""" try: return int(value_str) except: return value_str
def set_options()
Includes global options in other packages to be set prior execution
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@staticmethod def set_options(): """Includes global options in other packages to be set prior execution""" # tell shapely to include the srid when generating WKBs geos.WKBWriter.defaults["include_srid"] = True
def parse_args(self, args: List = None)
Process input *args
args: Optional prepopulated list of args. Can be used to define and extend arguments outside of lbsntransform
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def parse_args(self, args: List = None): """Process input *args Arguments: args: Optional prepopulated list of args. Can be used to define and extend arguments outside of lbsntransform """ parser = BaseConfig.get_arg_parser() args = parser.parse_args(args) if args.file_input: self.is_local_input = True self.local_file_type = args.file_type if args.is_stacked_json: self.is_stacked_json = True if args.is_line_separated_json: self.is_line_separated_json = True if not args.input_path_url: self.input_path = Path.cwd() / "01_Input" print(f"Using Path: {self.input_path}") else: if str(args.input_path_url).startswith("http"): self.input_path = args.input_path_url.split(";") self.source_web = True else: input_path = Path(args.input_path_url) self.input_path = input_path else: self.dbuser_input = args.dbuser_input self.dbpassword_input = args.dbpassword_input input_ip, input_port = BaseConfig.get_ip_port( args.dbserveraddress_input) self.dbserveraddress_input = input_ip if input_port: self.dbserverport_input = input_port self.dbname_input = args.dbname_input if args.dry_run: self.dry_run = True if args.csv_output: raise NotImplementedError( "CSV output is currently not available.") if args.dbformat_input: self.dbformat_input = args.dbformat_input if args.origin: self.origin = args.origin if args.geocode_locations: self.geocode_locations = Path( args.geocode_locations) if args.ignore_input_source_list: self.ignore_input_source_list = Path( args.ignore_input_source_list) if not self.csv_output and args.dbuser_output: self.dbuser_output = args.dbuser_output self.dbpassword_output = args.dbpassword_output output_ip, output_port = BaseConfig.get_ip_port( args.dbserveraddress_output) self.dbserveraddress_output = output_ip if output_port: self.dbserverport_output = output_port self.dbname_output = args.dbname_output if not self.csv_output and args.dbformat_output: self.dbformat_output = args.dbformat_output if self.dbformat_output == "hll": try: self.dbname_hllworker = args.dbname_hllworker self.dbuser_hllworker = args.dbuser_hllworker self.dbpassword_hllworker = args.dbpassword_hllworker hllworker_ip, hllworker_port = BaseConfig.get_ip_port( args.dbserveraddress_hllworker) self.dbserveraddress_hllworker = hllworker_ip if hllworker_port: self.dbserverport_hllworker = hllworker_port except ValueError: raise ValueError( "If '--dbformat_output hll' is used, also provide " "a HLL Worker Connection (--dbname_hllworker, " "--dbuser_hllworker, --dbpassword_hllworker, " "--dbserveraddress_hllworker). You can also use the " "output hlldb again here.") if args.transferlimit: self.transferlimit = args.transferlimit if self.transferlimit == 0: self.transferlimit = None if args.commit_volume: self.commit_volume = args.commit_volume if self.commit_volume == 0: self.commit_volume = None if args.transfer_count: self.transfer_count = args.transfer_count if args.records_tofetch: self.number_of_records_to_fetch = args.records_tofetch if args.disable_transfer_reactions: self.transfer_reactions = False if args.disable_reaction_post_referencing: self.disable_reactionpost_ref = True if args.ignore_non_geotagged: self.ignore_non_geotagged = True if args.startwith_db_rownumber: # hack: converts to int (row-count) if possible # otherwise uses str (row-id lookup) # TODO: separate into different cli args self.startwith_db_rownumber = self.int_or_str( args.startwith_db_rownumber) if args.endwith_db_rownumber: self.endwith_db_rownumber = args.endwith_db_rownumber if args.debug_mode: self.debug_mode = args.debug_mode if args.input_lbsn_type: self.input_lbsn_type = args.input_lbsn_type if args.map_full_relations: self.map_relations = True if args.csv_allow_linebreaks: self.csv_suppress_linebreaks = False if args.csv_delimiter: self.csv_delim = args.csv_delimiter if args.use_csv_dictreader: self.use_csv_dictreader = args.use_csv_dictreader if args.recursive_load: self.recursive_load = True if args.skip_until_file: self.skip_until_file = args.skip_until_file if args.zip_records: self.zip_records = True if args.skip_until_record: self.skip_until_record = args.skip_until_record if args.mappings_path: self.mappings_path = Path(args.mappings_path) if args.min_geoaccuracy: self.min_geoaccuracy = self.check_geoaccuracy_input( args.min_geoaccuracy) if args.include_lbsn_objects: self.include_lbsn_objects = \ args.include_lbsn_objects.lower().split(",") else: self.include_lbsn_objects = ["origin,post"] if args.include_lbsn_bases: self.include_lbsn_bases = args.include_lbsn_bases.split(",") if args.override_lbsn_query_schema: self.override_lbsn_query_schema = self.compile_schema_override( args.override_lbsn_query_schema) if args.hmac_key: self.hmac_key = args.hmac_key